3 reasons to choose COBIT 5 Implementation

If you've decided to get started with IT governance through a capable framework, then there's certainly no overlooking the advantages offered by COBIT 5 Implementation.

This certificate course is great for either a business or individuals looking to start using the powerful method, but what are some of the main reasons you would actually choose to take part in the three day course?

It gives you a practical appreciation

When learning a new framework it may be difficult to get a handle on exactly how it works, especially if you're listening to a course instructor for several days. The COBIT 5 Implementation course is different, however, and gives you a practical appreciation for how the framework functions.

What's more, the course is supported by a range of practical exercises and case-based scenarios.

It targets a wide audience

The beauty of many frameworks (especially COBIT 5) is that they're applicable in a range of scenarios. In turn, this means people from a variety of disciplines need to be able to take the training without knowledge barriers.

Thankfully, this is another area where COBIT 5 Implementation truly excels. The target audience for this course incudes a number of IT positions:

And also other positions within a business, including:

It explains the framework in depth

For a course that only takes three days, you might not be expecting a substantial amount of content. However, this course really delivers a strong COBIT 5 understanding, covering the life cycle approach, inter-related components of the life cycle, making the business case and key factors for a successful implementation.

Throughout the course, participants will also be prepared for the exam, which rounds off the three days of the course.

If you'd like to learn more about the COBIT 5 Implementation certificate, contact us today. Alternatively, check out the course dates in the near future.