Day 1 – Introduction and the Elements of Facilitation
- Determine what is ‘Format’
- Unearth what is Task and Process
- Review primary roles – Task Leader’s and Facilitator’s
- Understand Process Iceberg® Model
- Process Models and Tools: Feedback Model and SPO
- A look at Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®)
- Working with Tools: Clustering/Linking/Out of the Box/ Yes ..and?
Day 2 – Detailed Breakdown of Models, Process and Tools
- Process Iceberg® Review Model and examples
- Review Models and Tools, their application and types; Data collection, Prioritisation and Implementation
- Action Planning and Developing an Agenda Process
- Facilitating the Event
- How many facilitators do I need.
- Contracted Roles of the Facilitator and the Group
Day 3 – Process Maturity and Facilitator Profiles and Exam Prep
- Review of ‘Hamburg Research – Symptom Cause Action’
- The Process Iceberg® Meeting/ Workshop Model
- Process Iceberg® Organisational Model
- Look at a Facilitator’s Profile
- Foundation exam