New Ways | DevOps & Scrum

Applying Professional Scrum™

Use the scrum framework to improve the ability to deliver value.

  • Duration 2 Days
  • Fee - Virtual Instructor-Led $1,450 + GST
  • Exam Online Exam Voucher
  • Team Training Get a quote
  • Download Course brochure

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Applying Professional Scrum™

Applying Professional Scrum™ (APS) is a hands-on, activity based course in which students experience how Professional Scrum and the Scrum framework improve their ability to deliver value compared to traditional methods. Scrum provides a better way of working that highlights the use of experimentation, incremental delivery of customer value, frequent feedback loops and the fostering of strong team dynamics.

In this two day course students learn to apply Professional Scrum. They experience new, agile ways of working that enable teams to deliver more value, satisfy stakeholders and work better together. Students work together as a team in a series of Sprints to solve complex problems, facing similar challenges that they face outside of class and learning how to use Scrum to address them. These Sprints enable students to see the practical application of Scrum and to understand the value of an Agile mindset. Additionally, these Sprints expose common missteps and misunderstandings often seen while using Scrum, allowing students to develop an awareness of the associated symptoms and how to correct them. Students not only learn Scrum; they learn how to use Scrum well.

Our Trainers Make the Difference

  • Ferzeen Anis

    Ferzeen is an agile coach, scrum master, globally accredited trainer, transformation consultant, public speaker and life coach. She works with individuals, teams and leaders at all levels of an organisation to boost their ability to perform in complexity.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Learn about Agility and how Scrum differs from traditional plan-driven work models
  • Develop an Agile mindset by focusing on professionalism, experimentation, and outcomes
  • Learn (or relearn) the fundamentals of Scrum and how to apply them correctly
  • Develop an understanding of what it is like to use Scrum and if it is right for your team
  • Learn how to be a great Scrum Team member, or how to support a great Scrum Team
  • Leave the class with ways to identify common pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Students use a set of proven practices throughout the class that can be used to enhance their application of Scrum
  • Leave with tools that help Identify first steps in applying Professional Scrum with your team

Who Should Attend

The Applying Professional Scrum course is the perfect introduction, reboot or refresher to Scrum. It is excellent training for organizations, teams, and individuals wanting to experience the benefits of Scrum, or for those interested in continuing their learning with more advanced training.

  • Professionals who are part of a team that currently uses Scrum, but desire a refresher so that they get the most out of their use of Scrum.
  • Professionals who are joining a team that currently uses Scrum.
  • Professionals that don’t use Scrum directly but want to learn how to work with colleagues that do use Scrum.
  • Professionals that are investigating to see if Scrum makes sense for them and their colleagues.
  • Professionals that are part of an organization that intends to use Scrum in the near future.
  • Teams who are learning to use Scrum together in their organizations
  • The course also provides the foundational Scrum knowledge needed for those wishing to continue their education with role-focused (Scrum Master, Product Owner, Developer, Leader) training classes. APS is not recommended for advanced Scrum professionals.

This course is designed to be domain-agnostic; it conveys the use of Scrum in any domain or industry with complex problems to solve.

See our full Scrum offering

Course Contents

The course covers the following key topics:

  • Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework
    • Empiricism
    • Scrum Values
    • Scrum Team
    • Events
    • Artifacts  
    • Done
    • Scaling
  • Developing People and Teams
    • Self-Managing Teams
  • Managing Products with Agility
    • Forecasting and Release Planning
    • Product Value
    • Product Backlog Management
    • Stakeholders and Customers
  • Developing and Delivering Products Professionally
    • Emergent Software Development
    • Continuous Quality
  • Evolving the Agile Organization
    • Organizational Design and Structure
  • Fez was an excellent trainer, very experienced and had many relevant real examples to support the material presented. Pace of the course was good, engaging and inclusive.

    Live Virtual Training | 2022


Professional Scrum Master

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Fees per person

Applying Professional Scrum Course + Certificate Exam

  • $1450 + gst

The fee includes:

  • Course presentation by Tier-1 international standard fully-accredited trainer
  • Official course workbook printed in colour
  • A copy of the official Scrum Guide
  • Professional Scrum Master I Certificate Exam – one voucher

Exam & Other Information

Certificate Exam

When you take the ALC APS course you will receive a voucher for the PSM Level I (PSM I) assessment exam. The exam is taken online after the course at a time of your choosing.

When you attend a training class you learn the importance of inspection, adaptation, and fast feedback cycles. To reinforce those concepts, if you attend the class and attempt the certification assessment within 14 days but do not achieve the required score, you will be given a 2nd attempt at no additional cost.

PMI PDU Credits

Students of courses are able to claim Project Management Institute (PMI) PDU credit: 14 PDUs after attending a two-day Applying Professional Scrum (APS). Please note that PMI PDUs are earned for course attendance and not for passing a assessment. Students can claim PDUs under PMI’s “Education courses provided by other third party providers” category. You can claim your PDUs online at