PRINCE2 Practitioner (5 days): Exams and Stuff



The Foundation Certificate exam is normally held in the afternoon on Day 3. The purpose of the foundation level is to confirm you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the PRINCE2 method to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2. The foundation level is also a pre-requisite for the practitioner certification.

Exam Format

Note – Recertification is also required 3-5 years after original certification



The Practitioner Certificate exam is normally held in the afternoon on Day 5.  The purpose of the practitioner level is to confirm you have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply and tailor PRINCE2 in a scenario situation.


Foundation Certificate is a mandatory pre-requisite to undertake the Practitioners exam and is held on Day 3 of the program:

Exam Format

Practitioner exam is held on Day 5 of the program: