How can PRINCE2 Agile and cloud computing improve IT project management?

In recent years, IT project management best practice has shifted from waterfall approaches to agile management methodologies. One of the ways IT project management can become more agile is through the implementation of cloud computing.

But why are agile management frameworks, such as PRINCE2 Agile, and cloud computing a match made in heaven? 

Agile project management

For years, a question has continued to stump management elite around the world: How does a company continue to execute projects in a disciplined manner while providing continuous streams of innovation?

But why is agile management and cloud computing a match made in heaven?

A few decades ago, a group of software developers came up with a unique and novel approach to project management. What they came up with would become the Agile Software Development Manifesto. 

Agile management framework focuses on continuous innovation, flexibility and team input during the development process. Agile methodologies include SCRUM, extreme programming and lean. Overall the management approach focuses on people, communications, products and flexibility.

Agile management and the cloud

Cloud computing, or the use of the internet to store and access software and applications, is one of the technological innovations of the decade.

Australia’s cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) market continues to boom with organisations spending $688 million in 2018, a figure expected to reach around $1.2 billion by 2022, according to new research from emerging technology analyst firm Telsyte.

As cloud computing services grow, it is becoming more common to find agile methodologies being used alongside cloud-based applications.

Cloud services focus on meeting user prerequisites and delivering services in a timely manner to those who need them, while agile management encourages collaboration and shared working processes.

So when companies couple agile methods and the cloud for IT project management, they have at their disposal a range of functions that can inject agility into any business. 

Researchers at the Amity University and Maharishi Markandeshwar University found that when agile methodology and cloud computing are used together they have a positive affect on service delivery.

Researchers found that cloud computing, when used with agile methods, reduced development cycle time by 75 per cent.

They uncovered that cloud computing, when used with agile methods, reduced development cycle time by 75 per cent. Further, the combination decreased the cost of communicating information between people and reduced the wasted time between a decision and the outcome.

How can cloud computing facilitate agile management? 

For one thing, the use of the cloud can encourage greater innovation and experimentation. Development teams using cloud computing can spawn as many instances as they need without worrying about server space. 

So, when a feature looks promising, a team can generate a development instance that allows quick coding and testing. By using cloud-based applications, there is no wait or release time when physical servers become scarce. 

Importantly, builds are not the only aspect of its project management that is improved with cloud computing.

How can PRINCE2 Agile help you implement cloud computing?
How can PRINCE2 Agile help you implement cloud computing?


As smartphones, tablets and laptops become ubiquitous objects within the workplace, most employees need to access a variety of devices to get their job done. The cloud can allow data to be stored collectively, reducing the chances of duplication and speeding up data sharing between collaborators.

Finally, cloud computing is the prefect platform for agile methods. It allows organisations to move functionality to their customers quicker and receive better feedback, while facilitating quicker implementation of changes to the product. 

The sheer speed of this development cycle is a direct consequence of cloud computing and agile management. Customer feedback is now felt through all the processes at each stage rather than in the final stages, which allows changes to be made when they are needed.  

Project management software like PRINCE2 Agile, which combines the flexibility and reactions of agile and the explicitly defined framework of PRINCE2, is an excellent way of implementing cloud computing. 

Talk to a professional course provider and find out how cloud, agile and PRINCE2 can improve your business.   



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Do emotional and rational people have different brains?

One part of a project manager's responsibilities is to govern employee emotions. Whether you are ITIL certified or are currently in IT project management training, empathy is a central component in this task. Yet, there is more than one type of empathy. 

Recent research conducted by Monash University identified physical differences in the brains of those who respond emotionally to other people's feelings.

What's the difference?

Cognitive empathy, sometimes referred to as perspective-taking, is knowing how other people are feeling and what they may be thinking. Emotional empathy refers to physically feeling the emotions of others, as if they were infectious.  

Both forms of empathy are important, although each has an optimal-use scenario. 

Think about it like this, when running a project using PRINCE2 training, it is important to make sure employees emotional states are properly tracked.

Yet, when someone is in the state of emotional empathy, they tend to not be able to manage their own emotions let alone those of others.

In some cases, it can lead to paralysis and psychological exhaustion. 

What were the results? 

Using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), investigators found that participants who scored high for affective empathy had denser grey matter around the insula, the 'middle' part of the brain. 

Participants with high scores for cognitive empathy had greater grey matter density within the midcingulate cortex. This area is close to the corpus callosum, an integral part of human cognition, which connects the two brain hemispheres. 

So what?

The study's findings beg the question, are some forms of empathy learnt, while others are inculcated and can empathy be lost if it is not used frequently?

Robert Eres, from the University's School of Psychological Sciences, explained that future research will investigate whether or not training people on empathy-related tasks can affect these brain structures.

But, why does this matter to me?

In managerial roles, you will be exposed to your employees emotional states. Being empathetic is an excellent ability to have. It will allow you to better connect with them and develop long-standing rapport. 

The study is the first of a series that will identify the effects educational training in empathy has on people's brains. 

It would give weight to the idea that an empathetic manager is in a better position to lead, govern and inspire his or her employees. 

To learn how to be a better manager and govern relationships more effectively, get in contact with a quality training provider

Net normality: Mapping tech prefixes

According to recent research, conducted by Dr Jovan Kurbalija Founding Director of DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform, the use of e-, virtual, online, and net are beginning to disappear in IT governance. 

This is the conclusion reached through monitoring the use of prefixes at the UN-based negotiations on global digital policy, which are currently underway at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). 

Why are prefixes important?

The use of prefixes are a good indicator of trends currently within the tech sector. By monitoring and mapping prefixes researchers can identify current trends developing in certain industries. 

For instance, cyber has become highly associated with information security training, a major developing tech ​industry.  

Dr Kurbalija argues that this is not a surprise, as each policy field generates its own specialised vocabulary which frames governance discussions in different ways. 

Further, because of these framing and vocabulary differences, prefixes can cause issues for government departments, companies and organisations that work within a sector regulated by public policy. The differences, although subtle, may cause confusion when defining policy areas and thus whose responsibility it should be.

Finally, the use of different prefixes when referring to the same thing might accentuate the difficulties of overcoming policy silos. Policy silos refer to departments, like employment offices, economic development agencies and local training institutions, working individually, following separate policy frameworks and working towards different objectives.

Silos make it difficult to optimise outcomes from multi-disciplinary issues, such as internet governance.   

Prefix use in policy retreating

The use of tech prefixes is not disappearing completely, rather, they are no longer being used in general conversations. Instead, prefixes are utilised to refer to different sectors and thus refer to specific things. Here are three examples:

  1. Cyber is now mostly used when discussing security, or during IT security training courses. These include words like cyberattacks or cybercrime.
  2. Digital refers to development issues, such as the digital divide or digitisation. 
  3. E- is used for historical insight. A legacy from 2005 WSIS, it's used refers to previous conventions or strategies. 

As the internet and its technological associates normalise, it is only a matter of time until these prefixes disappear from our vocabulary forever. To take advantage of the booming IT industry, contact an IT training provider today.

Women in tech: Obstacles and enablers

A key question currently facing the technology industry is, what is it like being a woman while working in IT? 

Although it might be a simple question, the answers given by women tend to be very different to those given by men. 

Women and harassment

Recent research conducted by Catherine Adams, Senior Lecturer in communications at Nottingham Trent University, found that “one in five female journalists covering technology has disguised her gender to avoid sexist abuse, and nearly 40 per cent have changed working practices for fear of being targeted”.

Rather then excluding women, the tech industry should be encouraging women into IT roles through educational courses such as ITIL certification

The studies summary, published in a Guardian article, revealed that almost a third reported that the abuse had increased in the last year. 

The 100 respondents also told the researcher about a range of face-to-face incidents, which included sexist views, being hit on and stalked. 

What can be done?

This is a serious issue for the technology industry and as such there has been plenty of media and public attention. 

Breaking the status quo requires effort, time and empathy. 

Further, increased efforts by organisations, enterprises and companies are essential. There are some examples of companies encouraging or backing women within the industry. 

For instance, Google is attempting to change this social norm by backing organisations that make a difference. The multimillion dollar company recently donated money to the Anita Borg Institute, a non-profit organisation focused on the advancement of women in computing.

Together with its annual Grace Hopper Celebration – currently the worlds’s largest technology event for women – it released ABI.Local, a networking initiative, aiming at connecting women from all over the world.  

CEO of the Anita Borg Institute, Telle Whitney said, “establishing and growing a strong community of women who share our interests and career goals is imperative to keeping women in the field and broadening the appeal of a technical career to young women”.

“We are very appreciative of the generous funding and support provided by Google and an anonymous donor throughout the development and deployment of this important program.”

ABI.Local currently reaches around 1300 women globally and with increasing interest from the Middle East, Africa, Singapore and Minnesota, the future looks bright.

Initiatives like this are key to breaking the norms that maintain these kinds of behaviour. 

Education is also a great way of connecting with people, ITIL training and IT project management training are just a few examples of how you can network with mentors, lecturers and other professionals. 

Get in contact with a quality service provider to start your path in IT today. 

How can COBIT 5 improve stakeholder satisfaction?

As cities and towns continue to feel the effects of urbanisation, city planners are also feeling the heat. With ever-increasing populations and dwindling resources, how then can planners efficiently use resources while continuing to meet stakeholder demands at the same time? 

Using COBIT 5 training, a framework for the governance and management of IT, planners and managers can more readily satisfy stakeholder needs. 

Governing a city

Using COBIT 5 training, planners and managers can more readily satisfy stakeholder needs.

In any city the biggest stakeholder is always its citizens. Trying to improve the quality of life enjoyed by city-dwellers is a major policy requirement. 

City managers and planners are responsible for providing services to their stakeholders in an effective and efficient manner. Services such as utilities, sanitation, and road maintenance are just a few of the many functioning systems a modern city should have.

Planners in particular are tasked with developing, building, managing and maintaining a city's infrastructure. For this task, IT services are essential.

How can COBIT 5 help a planner?

COBIT 5 is a business framework for the management of enterprise IT. Using a range of tools, techniques, processes and models, framework users can better manage risk and resources, while increasing the value of IT services. 

One component of IT governance training is COBIT 5's goal cascade. It allows planners to create an actionable strategy out of stakeholder needs. The mechanism translates stakeholder needs into flexible enterprise, IT-related and enabler goals. 

How can stakeholder needs be better satisfied by COBIT 5How can stakeholder needs be better satisfied by COBIT 5?

Lets take a look at the four steps needed:

  1. Stakeholder needs. Their needs are influenced by environmental pressures such as regulations and policy shifts.
  2. Enterprise goals. These goals are derived partially from stakeholder needs. COBIT 5 organises them into four categories, with 17 goals that are flexible enough to fit in with organisational goals. 
  3. IT-related goals. Enterprise goals and IT-related goals are typically entwined. Enterprise goals are mapped onto relevant IT-related goals. 
  4. Enabler goals. To achieve IT-related goals specific enablers need to be applied. 

By linking the needs of stakeholders with enablers, decision-making can be fully justified. 

Users can customise COBIT 5 through their goals cascade, which allows them to apply this framework to a range of issues.

Importantly, COBIT 5 is excellent at linking the small and big pictures that tend to get lost in larger organisations. Through this chart, an enterprise can break down its goals into more manageable ones while simultaneously linking them to specific IT-related goals. . 

Using COBIT 5 planners will be able to better develop goals that balance the needs of stakeholders with the organisational need of risk and resource optimisation. 

There are a range of COBIT 5 training courses to help you better fulfill stakeholder needs. Contact a service provider today.

Can reading make you a better project manager?

A key component in any IT project manager's toolkit is the ability to be empathetic. A 2013 study, conducted by psychologists at The New School of Social Research, found that reading can improve how you relate to people.

What were the study's findings? 

According to research, reading literacy fiction can improve your ability to understand others emotions. 

According to research, reading literacy fiction can improve your ability to understand others emotions

Over the course of five experiments, 1,000 participants were randomly allocated literacy texts to read. These texts included extracts of bestselling books including Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl and more authoritative works such as Orange-winner The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obrehtby or by Anton Chekhov. 

Using a techniques derived from Theory of Mind, David Comer Kidd and Emanuele Castano measured the ability of participants to identify emotions in others. They found that those who read literacy fictions consistently scored higher than those that read either popular fiction or non-fiction texts.

"What great writers do is to turn you into the writer. In literary fiction, the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others," said Kidd.

How does reading make me a better project manager?

As we know, higher emotional intelligence (EI) can improve your ability to build effective working relationships with employees and co-workers. The study provides evidence that by reading literacy fiction, managers and leaders can improve their ability to develop, maintain and utilise social relationships. 

The researchers argued that, "the same psychological processes are used to navigate fiction and real relationships. Fiction is not just a simulator of a social experience, it is a social experience".

How can reading make you more empathetic? How can reading make you more empathetic?

Why is empathy important to me?

Being empathetic is what underlies our ability to navigate the complex and sophisticated social relationships that characterise human life.  

As a project manager, one of your core tasks is to manage people. By being able to understand their emotions you can motivate, lead, inspire and understand your employees.

Further, empathy is a critical aspect of emotional intelligence, higher EI has a positive association with lower personal stress levels. When you are aware and in control of your emotions, you are better able to relate to your staff and improve morale. 

As a project manager, being able to govern personal and employee emotions is an important skill to have. Alongside reading, a good way to improve this characteristic is by attending educational courses such as IT project management training. Get in touch with a quality training service provider today. 

How to make emotional intelligence work for you

Many of us have heard the term emotional intelligence (EI) thrown around at meetings or maybe during a performance report. But what does it mean and how can it help project managers?  

In today's busy workplace, project managers are required to do more than the standard tasks of defining scale, planning and mapping costs. Managers must be able to build relationships, inspire, collaborate and build teams, often in complex and busy environments.

What is emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to govern your emotions and the emotions of others.

Although it was created by Peter Salavoy and John Mayer, it was John Goleman who popularise​ the term through his 1996 book of the same name. 

For many years, those at the top believed that intelligence (IQ) was the main sign that an employee would be a success. But, ever since Daniel Goleman began using the concept in his research, this once 'common-sense' approach has been revised. 

How can emotional intelligence benefit you?

Emotional intelligence is an exceptional skill to have as it can facilitate a range of positive outcomes. It allows project managers to liaison better between departments, while it improves their ability to build effective and productive teams. 

Importantly, those who can successfully manage both their own and other emotions will deliver better results. In a complex environment, where project managers need to be able to utilise relationships to succeed, emotional intelligence is central. 

A 2011 survey, conducted by CareerBuilder, found that 71 per cent of employers valued higher EI over that of IQ. Not only does EI help benefit your abilities as a project manager but it is also a skill valued by employers. 

How can I improve my emotional intelligence? 

The first step is awareness.

Being conscious of your feelings allows managers to understand that their behaviours are driven by their emotions, which can both negatively and positively affect other people. Closely associated with this is the ability to show empathy and identify the impact emotions can have on the environment around you. 

The next step is management.

Being able to properly manage your emotions allows you to make better choices, be more productive and influence others even under pressure.

When you are in control of your own emotions, you are better prepared to handle the needs of your employees, which can improve motivation and reduce team stress levels.  

Making sure you are emotionally intelligent has a range of benefits, the best way to improve your emotional intelligence is by getting in contact with an excellent project management training provider today. 

How is Uber building a digital mesh?

In today's mobile user world, we are interconnected through a range of services, applications, processes and information. Although digitisation can be dangerous, developing a digital mesh is a strategic way of expanding the endpoints used by people to access the virtual world. 

What is a digital mesh?

According to recent research by Gartner, the digital mesh is currently one of the most important technology trends today. They argue that it lies at the centre of a new found connectivity, whereby people are not just becoming more connected with other people, but also, to a whole host of other devices and technological services.

Rather than the existence of one digital mesh, companies, enterprises and organisations develop their own network by offering a range of services that can be accessed from any digital device.

But, with the expansion of a digital network, it is important to make sure your data is safe. Information security training courses are a great way of protecting what you have. 

Uber has already experimented with ice-cream trucks, which delivered frozen treats to those who hail them on their phone.

How is Uber using a digital mesh?

Uber, the ride sharing company, unveiled UberRush in 2014, a bike courier service for New York City. This may be the first step on its way to developing a digital mesh that would provide city residents with a host of services right at their finger tips.

Although Uber started out by offering a service that provided on-demand drivers to a user through their phone app, it now wants to expand into other service areas.

In a 2013 interview with Fortune, Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber, argued that the company is more than just a car delivery service, rather it is a cross between lifestyle and logistics. A self-styled fulfiller of "instant gratification", Uber aims to give people what they want, when they want it.

Uber has already experimented with ice-cream trucks, which delivered frozen treats to those who hail them on their phone and on-demand Valentines day roses.

Although these have been called marketing promotions, they feel more like test-runs, to see what consumers will and will not pay for. 

How has Uber used a digital mesh to reach its customers?How has Uber used a digital mesh to reach its customers?

In the end, Uber's goal is to create a network of services which can be accessed by anyone with the app. 

Uber investor Shervin Pishevar explained to Inc that "Uber is building a digital mesh – a grid that goes over the cities. Once you have that grid running, in everyone's pockets, there is a lot of potential for what you can build as a platform. Uber is in the empire-building phase".

Digital meshing is a fast growing business strategy for tech companies. IT training courses are an excellent way to build essential skills and be part of this growing tech trend. Is your enterprise ready for a digital mesh?

What’s the cost of an insecure network?

Cyberspace is emerging as the newest theatre of warfare and thus the importance of information security is increasing.

According to research from Gartner, global IT spending currently tops $3.8 trillion, which is equivalent to the total GDP of Germany. This is a reflection of just how digital the world's economies have become. 

Any digitised information network is susceptible to a cyberattack. But, what is the actual cost of such attacks?

Recent research released by Ponemon Institute, a research centre focused on privacy, data security and information protection policy, reveals that the average consolidated cost of cyberattacks amounts to $3.8 million annually.

The IBM backed study, which is called Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis, encompassed 350 firms and 11 countries and found that the cost of cyberattacks has risen by 23 per cent since 2013.

What industries were hit the hardest?

According to the study, the average cost per record breached is $154. Yet, cyberattacks that target the healthcare industry cost $363 per record breached. 

This reflects the growing cost cyberattacks have on the healthcare industry. However it is the banking, hospitality, IT and retail sectors that suffer the most cyberattacks. 

Banking, retail and IT industry are also in the top ten when it comes to spending on IT and IT security services. 

How can information security protect against cyber attacks?How can information security protect against cyber attacks?

Why do cyberattacks cost so much?

Dr. Larry Ponemon, chairman and founder of the Ponemon Institute, said that the research uncovered three major reasons for the increase in costs.

  1. As cyberattacks are occurring more frequently, the cost of security solutions is constantly going up.
  2. Customer retention is being negatively affected by these frequent breaches.
  3. Companies are spending more on their forensic activities while assessments from crisis teams are also rising.

Importantly, one other reason the overall cost has been rising is that 47 per cent of breaches are now malicious attacks, which cost more to remedy.

Cybersecurity is a major issue. But it is also an increasingly attractive job market.

What has been the response?

Earlier this year, US President Barack Obama told the National Cybersecurity Communications Integration Centre that the US government would do all it could to boost security.

"Neither government, nor the private sector can defend the nation alone.  It's going to have to be a shared mission – government and industry working hand in hand, as partners," he acknowledged.

Cybersecurity is a major issue. But it is also an increasingly attractive job market. Cybersecurity companies are flourishing, even as economies around the world struggle.

Information security currently offers one of the best career paths in IT. What is important is that you find a leading provider of information security training courses, which will help you get your career started.  

How will the robot revolution affect your job?

We've all seen the Terminator and RoboCop franchises, yet, the future of robotics is less guns and more work. As the field makes the technological leaps it needs to turn fantasy into reality, the possibility of loosing your job to a robot is no less scary. 

But there is some good news, those undertaking IT project management training or information security training courses are in a much safe position.

How then can we make preparations for a world with robots?

A 2013 study by Oxford researchers found that 47 per cent of the total US employment is at risk.

Computerisation and job prospects

A 2013 study by Oxford researchers found that 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk.

By estimating the chances of computerisation for 702 occupations, the study was able to examine the impacts job automation will have on the US labour market. By detailing the number of jobs at risk researchers showed the connection between computerisation, wages and education. 

A similar report, issued by the Associated Press, found that middle-class workers with a salary between $38,000 to $68,000 are most likely to lose their jobs. 

Robotics sound like a far-off prospect, but companies are using robotics to complement human labour. For example, Amazon currently employ robots called Kiva to move merchandise around their warehouses, while the automobile industry have been using robots for years.

What jobs are most at risk?

One of the questions to arise from the Oxford study was – which half? This is an important question. 

In recent history, computerisation has typically replaced the low-wage, average or low skill routine worker – especially those holding roles in manufacturing and office administration. This is because the tasks executed by these occupations involve the repetition of narrow procedures, which can easily be codified into compute software.

Think about the instances where you run into computerised​ roles, supermarket checkouts, toll booths and assembly workers are just a few. 

But that's not all, recent developments in Big Data, such as algorithms, are moving into previously untouched domains, which rely on pattern recognition and cognitive problem solving. This puts once-thought safe jobs at risk.

How can training help you make the move into a new industry? How can training help you make the move into a new industry?

What can be done?

If you are currently working within one of the at-risk industries, such as manufacturing or hard-labour, a good strategy is to identify skills shortages and make the switch. 

There are a range of developing industries, one of which is the IT industry. The UK, Australia and the US IT sectors are all showing signs of growth, yet, there are not enough jobs to fill the rising number of vacancies. 

In a recent Guardian article, Barinder Hothi, co-founder of global education provider The Knowledge Academy, pointed out that in the UK there will be approximately 750,000 computer science jobs by 2017. Yet there will only be 50,000 students graduates with computer science degrees in 2014. 

Investing in your own education is an investment in your future. The first step is finding a quality training provider

How can you ensure your future?

As the saying goes, when one door closes another opens. In other words, even though your current employment may be on the chopping board, through training, you can find success in another industry. 

Investing in your own education is an investment in your future. The first step is finding a quality training provider. The next step is picking an education pathway. One of the top-rated courses is PRINCE2

PRINCE2 is a project management framework heavily used by both private and public sectors. The UK government initially developed the framework and is now one of its most notable users. 

It is a process-based method or framework for quality project management. Training teaches students to better manage resources and manage risk more effectively. 

Embracing technology, including flexible project management technologies like PRINCE2, is likely to increase the possibility of surviving the transformation to come. Get in contact with a training provider today and ensure your future for tomorrow.  

Why do you need a qualification in PRINCE2?

In today's world, where technology is a leading driver of performance, there is no space for project managers to fall behind. But, how can project leaders stay ahead of the game?

Having a strong project management framework in place means that projects are being completely governed from beginning to end, while having a higher chance of delivering better benefits.

PRINCE2's hold at the top has moved into it's tenth consecutive year. It currently hold's 66 per cent of the PPM market.

PRINCE2 continues to reign

PRINCE2 stands for PRojects IN Controlled Environments and was originally borne out of attempts by the UK government to standardise project management. It has become the go-to framework for both the private and public sector, with the UK government a notable user.

According to the 2015 Project Management Benchmark Report (PMBR), released by UK-based Arras People, PRINCE2 framework remains the UK's favourite project management training resource. 

PRINCE2's hold at the top has moved into it's tenth consecutive year. It currently hold's 66 per cent of the PPM market, although this is slightly less than the 69 per cent reported last year. 

Further, PMBR reported that outside of the Americas PRINCE2 still has a large international following. 

What can PRINCE2 do for me?

A PRINCE2 certificate imparts the required skills needed for confident project management. Utilising PRINCE2 when managing a project offers the user common systems, procedures and language. By making fewer mistakes you can manage both business risk and the projects with ease.  

Becoming qualified in PRINCE2 is more than just a mark on your resume. Of course, having it there does increase the possibility of being hired, yet so do other qualifications. What makes PRINCE2 out is adaptability to any job, industry or market.

As PRINCE2 is a method for governing projects, you could essentially use it to plan your anniversary or a siblings birthday. It is not coupled to any specific sector or industry, so, it is not just specialists and executives who can use it.

How can Prince2 boost project management processes at your workplace?How can PRINCE2 boost project management processes at your workplace?

How can PRINCE2 improve project management? 

Australia's Parliament House draws almost one million visitors a year. Over 3,500 people are employed to work there and the building encompasses 4,700 rooms. 

The Department of Parliamentary services (DPS) governs the House, in conjunction with two other departments. DPS has an estimated 800 staff and an annual budget of $115 million.

The DPS provides a diverse of services including Hansard and broadcasting services, library and research assistance for parliament members and it is responsible for the governance of the building. Unfortunately, prior to 2007 the DPS used several different project management systems that varied the standards and qualities of processes.

In 2007, the DPS decided to integrate all these processes using PRINCE2. After its implementation, staff saw a tangible transformation in how projects were delivered.

In 2007, the DPS decided to integrate all these processes using PRINCE2. After its implementation, staff saw a tangible transformation in how projects were delivered.

These included a rise in accountability shown by staff for their roles and responsibilities. In 2007, the DPS decided to integrate all these processes using PRINCE2. After its implementation, staff saw a tangible transformation in how projects were delivered. 

It also delivered a more competent decision making process built on PRINCE2's management principles. Project managers could now move between projects with ease. They could now offer their expertise where needed and contribute to new areas confidently.

Key to this is the shared language and expectations instilled within staff through PRINCE2 training. It has also offered staff better career prospects due to the qualifications they had attained. 

PRINCE2 has also impacted on the departments strategic vision. It is now more capable of engaging with stakeholders and planning and managing multiple projects. While project reporting has been refined by increasing the frequency that individual reports are used. Further, by streamlining the request approval process scheduling and planning have been enhanced.

The transformation of the DPS is a clear example of not only why PRINCE2 is an exceptional project management method but also why getting accredited is so important. 

With so many firms, enterprises, businesses and organisations turning to PRINCE2 for project management solutions it is important that you do not get left behind. The good news is that getting started with PRINCE2 is easy.

All it takes is getting in touch with a leading training provider and taking part in the necessary courses required to become accredited.