When competition becomes cooperation: PRINCE2 Agile

When it comes to project management, most people will have heard of either PRINCE2 or Agile management frameworks. This is because these are two of the biggest best practice project management frameworks available at the moment.

While PRINCE2 training is still important, there now exists an opportunity to draw on agile methodologies and access the best of both worlds. 

What are the differences between PRINCE2 and Agile?

Previously, these two methodologies were believed to be mutually exclusive due to their fundamental differences in ethos and processes. Critics of PRINCE2 argued that this best practice is overly administrative and tends to over privilege documentation. It is understood to focus on waterfall development cycles that ossified the upfront requirements and conditions of the project, leaving little room for feedback and thus change.  

Agile, on the other hand, was a believed to be characterised by its uncontrollable processes and its lack of effective planning. The main argument was that this fluid system was not anchored to a strong understanding of the customer's needs as well as the possibilities of success. 

When it comes to project management, most people will have heard of either PRINCE2 or Agile management frameworks.

However, both of these characteristics are drawn from a number of misunderstandings. 

One of the major reasons why project management practitioners believe that PRINCE2 is archaic and slow is that the PRINCE2 training providers are only teaching to the test rather than inculcating a real world approach. However, there is a number of providers who focus on effective real-world training that circumnavigates the limited scope of testing. 

Additionally, agile is not a mindless endeavour, but it can be a steep learning curve for those who are either not trained in project management or use another methodology. Not only is the language used unique, agile also focuses on a number of different ideas and processes than other methodologies. 

While both have their benefits and disadvantages, in the past, practitioners have been of the opinion that agile and PRINCE2 methodologies were incompatible.

However, this all changed when AXELOS released PRINCE2 Agile in June 2015. 

How could PRINCE2 Agile work for you?How could PRINCE2 Agile work for you?

What benefits does PRINCE2 Agile have?

Importantly, PRINCE2 Agile has a number of benefits and it is primarily aimed at project managers and organisations who have already been through PRINCE2 training and would like to implement agile practices alongside.

PRINCE2 Agile is the logical step, as both PRINCE2 and Agile methodologies have a range of similarities, such as stakeholder buy-in and effective sponsorship. 

PRINCE2 strengths lie in its ability to move a project forward, but when the delivery stage approaches, agile comes into its own through prototyping, measuring consumer needs and product satisfaction.

If you would like to know more about PRINCE2 Agile methodologies, talk to the experts in the field. Get in contact with ALC Training today and find out more. 

Criminal syndicates and cybersecurity: How to manage organisational risk

The internet is increasingly becoming the main platform over which organisations deliver goods and services. According to the Australian government, at the end of 2014 the country had more than 12.6 million internet subscribers.

However, as so many people use the internet, it has also become a medium increasingly utilised by criminals in order to access a business's information. One way to avoid this is through information security training courses for both individuals and organisations. Utilising best practice here can mean the difference between an information breach or a secure network. 

The internet is also a medium increasingly used by criminals in order to access a business's information.

Digital threats to Australian companies

A recent survey by Ernst & Young (EY) found that just under 80 per cent of Australian companies believed that a criminal syndicate would be the next source of a cyberattack against their organisation. 

EY's "Creating trust in the digital world" survey found that, alongside criminal syndicates, respondents believed hacktivists, employees and state-sponsored groups were also a risk for their organisation. 

The survey's findings were drawn from 1,755 global organisations while over 60 of these were based in Australia. Interestingly, it also found that Australian companies believed the risk associated with these categories was higher than their international counterparts.

EY Oceania Cyber Leader Richard Watson pointed out  that "nearly half of respondents said their budgets needed to nearly double to align their organisation's need for protection with its managements' tolerance for risk".

He further said that businesses in Australia needed to focus on cybersecurity more as they lacked confidence in their cyber-related capabilities. To better manage cybersecurity resources, an organisation's employees can participate in information security training, which will educate them on their role within the company's overall risk strategy. 

Poor cybersecurity hygiene and increased risk 

One of the report's other findings was that mobile devices such as smartphones were impacting an organisation's perception of security. Specifically, 81 per cent of respondents named employee habits on mobile devices as the biggest risk to their cybersecurity. 

How can an organisation better identify and manage risk associated with cyber security?How can an organisation better identify and manage risk associated with cyber security?

One such example is the Information Security Awareness Program run by ALC Training. Poor employee cybersecurity practices is a major problem for businesses, however, there are IT security training courses employees can attend to inculcate the required awareness and behaviours needed to keep an organisation's information secure. 

The course targets human actions and aims to teach participants to be aware of how their behaviours can impact their organisation's cybersecurity risk. 

It specifically emphasises that successful organisational information security is more than a company's policies and procedures but an overall mindset that workers have to embrace. 

Some of the outcomes participants will learn include:

Identifying and mitigating the human factor related to cyberattacks is an important first step for organisations aiming to better secure their information. The course will help your organisation's cybersecurity policies and strategies be more effective and easier to follow. 

If you believe your business or organisation could benefit from a cybersecurity course, talk to ALC Training today to find out more. 

How can you become a knowledge-based worker?

In the developed nations of the world, there has been a gradual shift away from certain types of low wage, low skill labour towards occupations that run on knowledge. The increasing popularity of ITIL training and certification is just one example of this transition. 

The knowledge economy offers prospective workers new opportunities in a range of industries.

This development has been driven by the innovation in the field of digital technology. Specifically, experts have used the term knowledge economy to define and categorise the new processes that have developed. One example could be the rise of IT service providers that connect companies with customers in new ways. A 2012 Gartner report found that IT outsourcing is a $246.6 billion industry. 

In Australia's economic landscape, the term has become a familiar buzzword. However, its acceptance has led policymakers and business leaders to implement strategies to harness its potential for greater economic activity and thus increased employment. For instance, the New South Wales government has been implementing a strategy that aims to develop an education system orientated towards knowledge-based roles.

Back in 2002, the New South Wales government released its Technology Education Action Plan (2002-2006) aimed at inculcating in young people the capabilities they will need to fulfil these new knowledge-based occupations.

The report emphasised that "innovation, along with the knowledge development and management, are the building blocks of an information society and a knowledge economy".

What does the knowledge-based economy mean for employment?

According to a 2004 annual review by researchers from Stanford University and the Santa Fe Institute, the knowledge economy relies on intellectual pursuits rather than manual labour or natural resources.

"We define the knowledge economy as production and services based on knowledge-intensive activities that contribute to an accelerated pace of technological and scientific advance as well as equally rapid obsolescence," said the authors.

The main transition point for advanced industrial economies has been the reduction of jobs that rely on manual labour and physical characteristics and an upsurge in opportunities that emphasise intellectual capabilities. Further, educational programs in traditional industries such as construction have become less attractive than other courses, such as those related to IT security training

What does the new economy mean to you?What does the new economy mean to you?

The article uses the example of an automobile to emphasise this point.

A new vehicle today is a smart machine, whereby the majority of parts utilise computer technology – rather than solely metal, plastic and rubber. Aspects such as safety and performance are no longer the sole responsibility of the metal encasing, instead, technology plays an important part in the form of components such as anti-lock braking systems. 

Further, there has been a general shift in the production of tangible goods to the development of digital products.  

PRINCE2 and job opportunities in the new economy

One of the most important aspects is the types of jobs available to workers.

This is especially relevant to the current state of Australia's economy. With the flattening off of the mining boom, technological and knowledge-based companies are rebalancing the economy.

One of the most popular ways to access this new mode of economic activity is through project management and more specifically PRINCE2 training. 

According to the Knowledge Train, from 2005 to 2012 there has been a 249 per cent increase in PRINCE2 examinations in the Australasian region.

PRINCE2 is a sophisticated management framework that allows users to properly govern large projects, such as the construction of a new building or the implementation of a new data analytics system. 

It was initially developed by the UK government and saw extensive use in the public sector, however since its inception, the best practice framework has been utilised by private industry in a range of fields.

If you would like to find out how PRINCE2 training can help you expand your potential, talk to ALC training today and get your future started,  

What does it take to be a successful Google team?

In the western world, we talk a lot about what it means to be an individual, yet, as all managers who have undergone IT project management training know, the team is one of the core units of production.

However, there has been very little research into what makes a quality and productive team. As always, Google has the answers.

What do you get when you Google 'team'?

Compared to managers, there has been very little research into what makes a quality and productive team.

Google's human relations department, called Google's People Operations, recently released its findings on what it believes makes a great team. The report is based on over 200 interviews with employees, part of an investigation into more than 180 Google teams and their 180-plus characteristics. 

Initially, they hypothesised that a great team was composed of high-quality talent, pulled from strong educational and technical backgrounds. However, their research points to a different conclusion.

The five characteristics of a great Google team

During the course of the research, Google found that what was important to a successful team was how its members interact, govern their day and perceive their contributions.

Specifically, there were five salient dynamics that separated the best from the rest:

Google's HR team believed that psychological safety was the most important metric because it laid the foundation for the other four.

Without a high score in this category, team members would be afraid to engage with the team if there was a chance they might be negatively judged. On the other hand, the safer a team member feels, the higher the chance the individual will admit mistakes and undertake new roles. 

Diversity breeds success

With so many people around the word working towards ITIL certification, it is important that companies embrace diversity whenever they can. Interestingly, Google's findings correlate with a February study by McKinsey. Its research found that organisations with high gender and ethnic diversity are more likely to generate revenue above their industry average.

How can a diverse work force improve a companies revenue? How can a diverse workforce improve a company's revenue?

The survey examined data from 366 public companies across a range of industries from a variety of countries. According to the figures released, companies within the upper quartile for ethnic diversity have a 35 per cent chance of receiving higher profits than the national industry median. 

Gender diversity also helped companies make greater profits, this time they were 15 per cent more likely to develop returns above the national average for their industry. 

The researchers did acknowledge that correlation does not equal causation, however, the study shows that companies that are willing to invest in a diverse leadership team are financially more successful. 

These studies show that diversity is an excellent company-wide policy that can lead to better returns both financially and ethically.  For more information on managing and leading diverse teams, talk to the team at ALC training today. 

Mobile technology and cybersecurity

There is no doubting that mobile technology has transformed our lives. It has facilitated new activities, new jobs and new types of relationships (Tinder anyone?).

Unfortunately, many businesses believe that IT security training does not apply to mobile devices. This has led many individuals and organisations to develop a culture of unfettered app downloading. 

Mobile technology transformation 

According to the Boston Consulting Group, mobile technology is being adopted by people around the world faster than any technology that has gone before.

The Mobile Revolution report found that there was a 99 per cent decrease in cost per megabyte between 2005 and 2017, while infrastructure costs have reduced by 95 per cent during the transition from 3G and 4G.

Mobile technology created close to $3.3 trillion in revenue globally  directly contributed to 11 billion jobs.

Further, mobile technology created close to $3.3 trillion in revenue globally and directly contributed to 11 billion jobs. 

Changes like these have transformed the use of mobile technology, opening access to a whole new consumer base and helping to drive the global economy out of the recession.

But what about the security issues that are so often neglected? How could these become the industry’s Achilles cap up heel?

Why is mobile cybersecurity important?

Due to the prevalence of mobile devices in our homes and workplaces, they have become a key access point for cybercriminals trying to attain personal and valuable information. 

Worst of all, unsafe apps are on the rise. According to McAfee’s Threat Report, malware samples found on mobile devices are up 14 per cent, with a total of 6 million. 

But it is not just cybercriminals – over-eager app developers can lead to security and privacy concerns.

According to the February McAfee Mobile Security Report, 82 per cent of apps track personal information if connected to Wi-Fi or the device is turned on. 

For many of these apps, users agree to share their information during the installation phase. 

How secure is your mobile phone device?How secure is your mobile phone device?

How can I protect my personal information? 

There is a series of actions mobile device users can do to protect themselves. 

One of the best approaches is identifying unsafe mobile apps and avoiding their download and use at all costs. Having a safe and secure mobile device begins at the choices users make.

Another approach is attending information security training courses, such as ALC Training’s Information Security Awareness Program. 

This course addresses the human components of IT security breaches, offering strategies to implement a security mindset.

Mobile security is an important aspect for both individuals and businesses. For advice on cybersecurity, talk to ALC Training, the information security training specialists. 

3 technology trends for small businesses

When people think of technological innovators, they do not usually think of small businesses. However, Australian companies have shown an aptitude for adapting technology to their business plan. Actions such as attaining an ITIL certification can give owners the knowledge they need to get ahead of their competitors. 

78 per cent of Australian small businesses are positive about growth opportunities on the horizon.

A recent survey by KPMG found that 78 per cent of Australian small businesses are positive about growth opportunities on the horizon. The bi-annual Family Business Survey 2015 was undertaken by KPMG Australia and Family Business Australia.

Respondents were also interested in the impact new technology will have on their business. Over 50 per cent of the respondents agreed that technological change was having a positive effect on their organisation's operations.

Head of KPMG Australia's Family Business Practice Bill Noye said that the survey indicated that Australian businesses were keeping a track of innovation and multiplicity in the tech industry, which is a good economic health indicator.

"Embracing disruptive technologies and keeping up with rapid change, together with entrepreneurship, the willingness to take risks, delegate authority and proactively seek new ideas and opportunities, are all important attributes for developing a sustainable competitive advantage which technology can help to harness," he said.

With technology being such an important driver of small business growth prospects, here are three technology trends that may impact small businesses in Australia.

1) Mobile technology

As mobile technology continues to develop at an exceptional rate, small businesses will need to adapt to stay ahead of the curve.

According to a 2015 study by The Boston Consulting Group, the 25 per cent of SMEs that utilise mobile technology extensively can expect to have their revenues grow approximately two times quicker and develop new job opportunities eight times faster than the other 75 per cent who do not.

If you want your business to grow, get on board the mobile technology train.

Is your small business safe? Is your small business safe?

2) Network security

As much a technology has made are lives and business dealings better, it has also exposed us to greater risk of crime, specifically cybercrime.

According to a 2011 study by Symantec, 40 per cent of all cyberattacks targeted SME that employ fewer than 500 people.

Small businesses need to be aware of cybercrime. One way to do this is by participating in information security training, which can help you understand some of the key concepts that may safeguard your business from threats.

3) Business intelligence

In the past, business intelligence software was the prerogative of large companies. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in affordable business intelligence tools.

These typically provide support for a quicker and more informative decision-making process, which translates into a critical advantage for small businesses.

To find discover how technology can better help your business, talk to ALC Training today.

Business funding at risk from cyberattacks

For many Australian businesses, IT security is way down on the agenda. However, with increased cyberattacks on Australian commercial entities, investing in information security training could be the solution. 

How are cyberattacks affecting the commercial landscape?

According to figures released by KPMG, investors are walking away from businesses if they believe their information networks have been breached. The survey pointed out that 79 per cent of respondents would be deterred from investing if the business had been hacked.

The survey pointed out that 79 per cent of respondents would be deterred from investing if the business had been hacked.

Interestingly, on the flip side, investors are flooding the cybersecurity market. Malcolm Marshall, global leader of KPMG's cybersecurity practice, said the survey showed that 86 per cent of investors see cyberbusiness as an area of growth.

"Following a number of high-profile breaches, we are seeing global investors waking up to the issue of cybersecurity," said Mr Marshall.

Unfortunately, the survey also showed that 39 per cent of management personnel lacked the required knowledge to safeguard their business from cyberattacks. Yet, 86 per cent of investors would allow an increased amount of time spent on cyber-related business. 

This is good news for participants of information security training courses, as it would seem IT security opportunities may be on the rise. 

What can be done to improve cyber resilience?

There is a range of ways you can protect your business.

According to the Australian government, there are a series of actions you can take to mitigate the effects of a cyberbreach.

Limiting the types of personal information you upload online is a great place to start, while installing and keeping security software up to date is also an action that can have salient outcomes.

Education, such as IT security training, also offers excellent personal job prospects and positive cybersecurity-related outcomes.

Could IT security training help protect your business?Could IT security training help protect your business?

What types of IT security training are offered?

IT security training is in growing demand, and as such there is a variety of courses available. 

One example is the Foundation Certificate in Information Security (FCIS) currently offered by ALC Training.

The courses provides the ideal platform for anyone looking to: 

This information security training uses international standards and industry best practice to introduce essential concepts and the top four disciplines of information security. 

Key outcomes include:

If your are interested in information security training courses, get in touch with ALC Training today to find out how it can improve your job prospects. 

Is it time to get serious about cybercrime?

In today's digital world, IT security is becoming a big deal. With so many people studying IT security training, it is a surprise when companies and organisations ignore expert advice.

In a July announcement, the Insurance Council of Australia said that the current growth in cybercrime is a reason to no longer ignore the threat. It is estimated that cyberattacks cost the nation close to $1 billion a year.

It is estimated that cyberattacks cost the nation close to $1 billion a year.

 What is being done to combat this cyberthreat?

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is a government initiative aimed at protecting Australian networks from threats.

The centre draws together a range of cybersecurity partners, including the Defence Department, the Attorney-General's Department, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission.

According to its June report, cyberattacks have risen by 20 per cent to 1131 last year, growing from just 313 attacks in 2011. The most impacted industries are currently energy, banking and finance, communications, defence and transport.

The rise of new threats is an impetus for more people to seek IT security training and protect their organisations' networks.

New threats precede new defences

One of the major issues with cyberattacks and IT security is the speed at which new strategies and tactics arise.

The ACSC recently released a report advising of a new threat product currently being used. Web shells are defined as an exploitation vector, which can be used to gain illegal access and can lead to the more general network harm.

Is cybercrime on the rise?Is cybercrime on the rise?

A web shell is a script that is downloaded to a server that allows cybercriminals to administrate the machine. After installation, the web shell can be used to increase privileges and issue commands offsite. Exposed servers can be either internet-facing or internal.

Systems designed for content management and web server software are most at risk. Unauthorised individuals can use reconnaissance tools to detect and exploit vulnerabilities that may lead to the installation of a web shell.

Examples include:

  1. China Chopper. Although it is one of the smaller web shells, it is packed with capabilities.
  2. WSO. Has the ability to veil itself as an error page with a hidden form.
  3. C99. An alternative version of the WSO. It has the ability to make visible the servers security features.
  4. B374K. A PHP-based web shell with typical functions.

Web shells can be fought through a range of identification and mitigation strategies for IT administrators of web servers, which have content languages installed.

If you are currently looking to engage with information security training, get in touch with ALC Training today.

Do you need a good base knowledge of information security as part of your current or future role?

Do you need a good base knowledge of information security as part of your current or future role?

ALC’s 2-day “flagship” course Foundation Certificate in Information Security is the ideal foundation course for:

The course provides excellent support material for network / system administrators who have or are taking on additional information security responsibilities. It also provides an excellent base for business managers, IT Managers and IT staff.

When used as a baseline for all IT staff this course ensures they all speak the same language as your info security team and that they understand why the info security team do what they do.

Based upon international standards and industry best practice, the course introduces the fundamental concepts and top four disciplines of Information Security and how these form part of the overall business strategy of the organisation:

  1. Information Security Management
  2. Information Risk Management
  3. Business Continuity Management
  4. Information Assurance Architecture

For more information please refer to our web site or else download the pdf brochure.

Excellent rates are available for team bookings.

What does the Internet of Things mean for risk management?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of biggest tech innovations currently being implemented within commercial entities. But what does this mean for security risks and their management? Can information security training provide the answers? 

According to ISACA’s IT Risk/Reward Barometer, 72 per cent of IT professionals believe that IoT devices are not being properly safeguarded against IT threats by their manufacturers, while 73 per cent of IT professionals feel that their company will be hacked through a network connected device.

According to Gartner, there were close to 4.9 million connected devices in 2015 but by 2020, there will be 25 million.

What is the Internet of Things?

The IoT is the network of physical devices which communicate, sense and interact with each other and their environment through embedded technology.  

Within the IoT, devices such as smart phones and coffee machines are connected to the internet, as are industry specific objects such as components of a jet engine or a manufacturing plant. 

The number of objects connected to the IoT is continually increasing. According to Gartner, there were approximately 4.9 million connected devices in 2015 but by 2020, there will be 25 million. 

Jim Tully, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, pointed out that “the digital shift instigated by the Nexus of Forces (cloud, mobile, social and information), and boosted by IoT, threatens many existing businesses. They have no choice but to pursue IoT, like they’ve done with the consumerisation of IT”.

The argument is that as the IoT expands into new applications for customers, businesses and other entities, it will create a transformation in economic output. Research by Gartner projects that IoT-associated spending will increase from 69.5 billion in 2015 to $263 billion in 2020. 

If the IoT is ever expanding, what does this mean for risk management? 

How can organisations manage their risk?

Courses focused on IT security training are becoming increasingly popular with both IT students and established professionals. This derives from the sustained risk most information technology services face. 

How can information security courses help your company manage risk? How can information security courses help your company manage risk?

Risk occurs through a range of issues, for instance as workplaces shift to a handheld environment, they are becoming more difficult to safeguard. This is due to devices like smart watches and phones connecting to a business’ IT network and creating more entry points for possible cyberthreats. 

So what can a business do to mitigate the risk associated with the IoT?

Banning new technology puts businesses at a higher risk because of the possibility of falling behind competitors. Instead, controlling for the IoT relies on integrating risk management into core IT services. 

Information security training courses, such as CRISC certification, prepare IT professionals for the challenges of information technology and enterprise risk management. 

Get in contact with an experienced course provider to find out more. 

Using Enterprise Architecture and cloud computing

Cloud computing is a major technological innovation which ranks alongside the mainframe, the microprocessor and the internet.

As the cloud continues its accession as the preeminent technology trend of 2015, the tech world has seen the rise of a new position: the cloud architect.

Architects come in many forms, there are data architects, infrastructure architects, application architects and enterprise architects. With so many businesses turning to enterprise architecture (EA), one of the most popular frameworks available is TOGAF

It is only now that a cloud architect's duties have included the use of multiple cloud services.

Although cloud architects have been around for a few years, it is only now that their duties have included the use of multiple cloud services and an expanded budget. Rather than the small-scale portfolio many architects are used too – such as locally stored applications and small SaaS service delivery – the expansion of cloud-based computing forces architects to turn to enterprise-wide thinking.

What is Cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the process whereby data and applications are stored and accessed over the internet, instead of locating them on local devices. Enterprises use the cloud due to its ability to deliver agile and quality services along with lower costs.

Examples of cloud computing include Google Drive and Microsoft Office Online, both of which utilise the internet to store programs so you can access them from anywhere, at anytime. 

However, there are some disadvantages when using cloud storage software. For instance, due to cloud storage being 100 per cent online, if there are any problems or outages, this can affect all your applications. This problem is compounded when large companies, who provide cloud storage services to other companies, crash – creating a domino effect. 

Nevertheless, the advantages of storing data and accessing it online are too big to ignore.

According to Market Research Media Ltd, the global market for cloud computing is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30 per cent, while in 2020 the industry is expected to reach $270 million.

The market for cloud computing is growing, how can you take advantage? The market for cloud computing is growing, how can you take advantage of it?

Microsoft announced during its second quarter earnings release that commercial cloud computing had grown by triple digits for the sixth consecutive quarter. Revenue from product offerings such as Office 365, Azure and Dynamics CRM Online grew 114 per cent and is currently on a revenue run rate of $5.5 billion.

Further, a survey by Dimensional Research, sponsored by Equinix, found that cloud computing is here to stay. Of the 659 cloud-responsible participants surveyed, 69 per cent believed that their budget for cloud services would increase by 2015. 

Enterprise architecture and cloud computing

Cloud computing is an excellent cost saving practice. As many organisations are characterised by low use of assets and uneven demand for resources, the use of cloud computing can help fix these issues.

By transferring services onto the cloud, an organisation can streamline business services and cut out the excess and redundant spending that may have built up over time.

But where does TOGAF fit in?

TOGAF is a top down, holistic approach to enterprise architecture. Using best practice principles from an architectural perspective ensures that the various aspects of your enterprise are in synch with long-term IT and business goals.

The TOGAF framework leads project development to high level solutions in line with overall business and IT strategy.

The framework leads the project development to high level solutions in line with overall business and IT strategy.

Cloud architects can utilise TOGAF to synch lines of business with new technological developments. As TOGAF is vendor, tool and technology neutral, it can facilitate the implementation of cloud computing by prioritising business strategy and aligning it with possible cloud services. 

It is important to use a successful enterprise architecture when deciding which technology solutions to implement in a business. Certification in TOGAF can allow you to better implement cloud computing and align it with your overall business strategy.

Talk to a team of experienced trainers to find out more about TOGAF training near you

Big Data analytics and ITIL: The future of decision-making

For most companies and organisations, survival in the business world depends on their access to quality insights. To do this, they must be in a position to generate answers to the critical decisions. Fortunately, IT government training can help foster the right kind of decision-making behaviour. But, can it be applied to big data? 

Big data analytics becoming more popular

According to a report released by Frost & Sullivan, big data analytics is gaining traction within the test and measurement process. The research projects market growth to go from $421 million in 2014 to $2,401 million in 2021, a 28 per cent compound annual growth rate.

The report singled out both the automotive and aerospace sectors as key areas for growth. Currently, automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are aiming to use big data analytics to map maintenance processes and audit the production line. 

Big data analytics is gaining traction within the test and measurement process.

Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Apoorva Ravikrishnan said that "research and development, risk management and asset management are the key applications in test and measurement where big data analytics is gaining traction".

Big data analytics is also at home within service-based organisations, where controlling for risk is as important. But, implementing big data analytics can be hard and staff will need IT governance training to be effective in their new roles.

Moving to big data analytics

Even though there is a growing market for analytics of this scale, the report pointed out that the high preliminary costs associated will prolong any large-scale adoption. Interestingly, some firms are happier sticking to internal analytics and a number of OEMs remain worried about the validity of big data.

"Transitioning from rigid analogue systems to digitised, smart and automated technologies will be the need of the hour for big data analytic vendors striving to strengthen test and measurement capabilities," said Ravikrishnan.

However, when big data becomes the primary resource for decision-making, there is a range of IT-related best practices that help an information officer make the critical decisions. 

How can better IT governance impact decision-making.How can better IT governance impact decision-making?

ITIL and big data for businesses

Commercial leaders know that within big data there are valuable strategic insights, but to find them they will need efficient and productive IT services. In turn, strategic decision-making by IT managers and other staff is essential for utilising the patterns that can be found in big data to facilitate better economic activity. 

Implementing more precise strategic decision-making within an organisation's culture is as easy as attending IT governance training. Furthermore, there is a range of best practice frameworks that can assist managers in making these crucial decisions.

For instance, ITIL certification can guide managers through the day-to-day decision-making process and help facilitate better service solutions. IT governance also better integrates IT teams within and organisation positions the IT department as a company-wide leader in strategic decision-making.

To find out more about IT Governance Training and ITIL certification, talk to an experienced course provider today.