Gartner expects DevOps to see significant growth

It's often tough to predict future trends, especially in sectors like IT where developments constantly progress. However, Gartner has come forward about a method of development – specifically in regards to software – that could signal big change for enterprises.

This process, called DevOps (Development and Operations) is set to proliferate over the next few years, becoming a mainstream strategy across organisations.

Of course, it's also going to be important that companies use the right IT project management frameworks to ensure the success of the trend.

What is DevOps?

This is a new term that's currently growing in use across the globe, which isn't altogether surprising given the benefits.

It involves developers and operations staff on a project working together, effectively breaking down the traditional 'silos' of older projects. With DevOps, all members of a project are constantly in contact, meaning far more effective collaboration.

What's more, DevOps means both teams are constantly across what's going on in each area, so roadblocks in development that could cause setbacks in operations are identified early. This means they can be caught before snowballing into larger problems.

In a new report, Gartner explained that it's currently a relatively niche trend – but this will change over the next few years. 

Expansion of DevOps

DevOps will soon become a mainstream strategy, according to Gartner, one that's utilised by 25 per cent of global 2,000 organisations.

As early as next year DevOps could become something that's utilised by a significant number of companies.

Next year could see strong DevOps growth.

Next year could see strong DevOps growth.

"In response to the rapid change in business today, DevOps can help organisations that are pushing to implement a bimodal strategy to support their digitalisation efforts," explained Gartner research director Laurie Wurster.

"Digital business is essentially software, which means that organisations that expect to thrive in a digital environment must have an improved competence in software delivery."

DevOps is the ideal development method, and it's easy to see just how beneficial it can actually be. As there is less room for communication breakdown, projects will commonly proceed far more smoothly.

As noted earlier, frameworks can play a critical role in adopting a new DevOps strategy. Staff will be equipped with the right processes to both put the new method in place and ensure that it constantly delivers business value.

To find out more about both IT frameworks and other methodologies across a range of topic areas, get in touch with ALC Training today or take a look at the list of courses online.

Hiring intentions reach a high point

Many jobseekers within Australia could have more luck finding new positions in the first quarter of this year, according to a recently published report from recruitment firm Hudson.

In the study that detailed the hiring landscape, Australian companies' intention to hire jumped to the highest point in nearly three years, despite "lukewarm economic conditions and weak GDP figures". This is certainly good news for those seeking new positions.

Nationwide expectations

Hiring managers within Australia are currently feeling optimistic about the year ahead – with Hudson noting that a great deal are looking to start ramping up hiring figures in order to grow the business. A substantial net 18.7 per cent of employers plan to increase staffing levels in the first quarter alone.

However, most hiring managers will be seeking out positions that "underpin future growth opportunities". Basically, a shift away from the more traditional reporting and transactional roles. Such a change is likely to continue to over the next few years, with businesses looking for employees capable of bringing significant value to the table.

What professions are experiencing growth?

Of course, hiring sentiments aren't universal – there are a number of sectors in Australia that will see more opportunities than others.

In this first quarter, Hudson explained that the sentiment among Financial Services professionals is currently the strongest across all sectors. A net 36.9 per cent of hiring managers are planning to increase the number of staff in Q1 2015.

"Financial services teams have recognised that the landscape has permanently changed and are driving significant transformation projects," Hudson explained.

"Those professionals with exposure to agile environments are highly sought after as are compliance and risk professionals who can help organisations navigate the plethora of regulatory change on the horizon."

Legal, sales, marketing and communications all tailed behind. Other sectors of note included ICT, HR, office support and technical and engineering.

Jobseekers can also take further action to increase their chances of landing a new job by up-skilling with established frameworks. These cover a range of topics, including IT service management, project management and IT governance.

These methods can help jobseekers find new positions and also deliver useful skills that can be utilised time and again. With the PRINCE2 framework, for example, project management becomes far easier.

Get in touch with the framework experts at ALC Training today, to find out more about what capable courses can do to improve job prospects.

Improving organisational workplace wellness

The health of employees should be one of the top priorities for every business leader and manager, as happy and healthy staff members can mean big changes for the workplace.

This article will take a look at what workplace wellness is, and what businesses of all sizes and industries can do to improve it.

Defining wellness programs

Workplace wellness is essentially a policy that the business creates that supports healthy behaviour and activities, with the aim of improving the wellbeing of employees.

These could be free health checks held on a regular basis, or possibly free flu vaccinations during the appropriate season. In addition, wellness programs might involve fitness activities designed to motivate staff to stay healthy.

What are some of the benefits?

Aside from the obvious health benefits for employees, there are a number of other improvements for the company. For example:

Engagement: As staff have access to auxiliary programs that promote healthy living, they're far more likely to remain engaged employees. That is, workers who are more invested in their jobs and the company.

A focus here, for example, could prove useful in preventing an IT security event, as the staff will be more switched on and ready to respond.

Engaged employees could prevent an IT security event.

Engaged employees could prevent an IT security event.

Positive culture: A workplace culture is something that is intangible, but a good one is definitely noticeable. Having activities and programs that promote healthy living can do wonders for creating such an environment.

There are also financial benefits, as the company can reduce health care costs and even see absenteeism rates drop off, given the healthier state of workers.

Prioritising employees

Staff are one of the most valuable assets for a business, especially workers with experience. As such, it's important to think about the usefulness of wellness programs. The happiness and health of staff is often directly tied to their view of the company, and how engaged they are with their work.

The health and wellbeing of workers should start to become a focus of businesses, but it's also a good idea to ensure that the correct management practices are in place. These can help to ensure that workers are always correctly utilised, as well as engaged.

Get in touch with ALC Training today to find out more about people, IT and other capable frameworks. We've got a significant range available, and courses coming up this year across a number of major cities.

Why are engaged employees critical to an organisation?

Employee attitude is closely tied to the bottom line of a business, with disengaged workers often having a negative effect on overall operations.

Commonly, disengaged workers are unwilling to go the extra mile to achieve project goals, will not be proactive when working in a team and will take unnecessary sick leave. The opposite is an engaged employee – one who is always committed to the organisation, an inspiration to other workers and highly capable.

Business leaders and those involved in the hiring process need to start thinking about how to attract and create engaged workers, and why exactly they're a necessity.

Understanding the need for engaged workers

Engaged workers can have a profound impact on the organisation, regardless of the sector in which the business operates.

For one, they're going to be enjoying their work far more, which in turn means a lower risk of turnover. This is essential to cut back on hiring expenditures.

In addition, engaged employees won't be at risk of making as many mistakes day-to-day. This is evidenced in a study by Development Dimensions International, which Forbes author Kevin Kruse outlined.

The study found that a Fortune 100 manufacturing company was able to reduce quality errors from 5,658 parts per million to just 52 parts per million simply through use of engaged workers. What's more, another study from the SHRM foundation found that engaged employees were five times less likely to have a safety accident in the workplace than disengaged workers.

It's easy to see the stark difference between engaged and disengaged workers, and why businesses need to start paying attention.

Engaged employees can bring a lot to the table.

Engaged employees can bring a lot to the table.

How can a business create engaged workers?

With the benefits of engaged workers plain to see, how exactly can a business start to create and hire them? It's relatively straightforward.

Go2HR explained that it's important to be clear about what is expected from employees, and subsequently provide them with the tools and materials to achieve these goals. The website also explained that it's important to fill the workplace with more engaged workers.

Engage For Success noted that it's a two way street, with organisations needing to work to engage the employee by creating job satisfaction. The staff member in turn is able to offer what they feel is an appropriate level of engagement for the work they're doing.

Businesses need to start thinking about the importance of engaging workers, whether it's through providing education or more opportunities, and how doing so is likely to ensure a more secure bottom line.

A breakdown of Agile

As a business grows, it’s a certainty that the scale of projects will expand in turn. In many cases this can lead to complexity that’s difficult to manage.

It is something that needs to be addressed, and for most companies it’s a good idea to do so before problems start to occur. Project management tools like Agile are the answer – but first it’s a good idea to understand what they are and how they work.

What is a project management tool?

These are basically policies that have been developed as sets of ‘best practice’ guidelines for companies. They can cover many areas, such as IT security, governance, and of course project management.

Agile differs slightly, as it’s a term that encompasses a number of different approaches. It offers a lean approach that cannot be ignored – especially for businesses looking for a simple but capable project management method.

It’s important to note that Agile is quite different from a more traditional framework like PRINCE2, and can actually be used as a sort of follow-on course. This means that participants aren’t restricted to a single framework/tool.  

What is Agile?

Under the Agile banner are a number of project management approaches including Scrum, XP and Crystal – all of which are grouped below what’s called the ‘Agile Alliance’ formed in 2001. Now, Agile encompasses a number of other approaches which have been added since then.  

When a project is controlled using the Agile processes, it means delivering business value early. Key values of Agile include:  

These are obviously useful values for those managing a project, but it’s also easy to see how they extend into other areas of business. Certainly, adhering to budgets and meeting deadlines are useful in all areas of a company.

Starting off with Scrum

As noted above, Agile covers a number of different approaches. Scrum is one of the best to get started with, as it is both flexible and simple. This is key when delving into a new project management tool.

Scrum prioritises empirical feedback, short iterations and team self-management – all-important for project management.

What you’ll learn

An Agile project management course offers significant value for participants, especially given the breadth of knowledge that’s covered.

Upon completion, they will have an understanding of the key principles of Agile, along with the lifecycle of an Agile project. This part of the course also details alternative configurations – something that’s extremely useful if the project needs to be adapted.

Other key learning objectives include the roles and responsibilities for those within an Agile project, the techniques used along with their benefits and limitations.

What if I’ve already got project management training?

Many business leaders and individuals are likely to have already started or completed some form of project management training, commonly with a capable framework like PRINCE2. Thankfully, there’s no need to start from scratch when using Agile.

PRINCE2 can be thought of as a ‘first step’ on the project management pathway, with Agile acting as the next logical leap forward.

Want to become qualified in the world’s leading framework and certification for Agile Project Management? Sign up to our AgilePM® Foundation / Practitioner Combined course

Getting started

It’s quite straightforward to get started with ALC frameworks and tools, and Agile is no different. Courses are available in cities throughout Australia, hosted on various dates to make attending easy.

Now is the time to start thinking about how exactly these tools can be put to use within a business, especially to avoid the dangers of costly project overruns.

Courses are coming up this year across major Australian cities, including Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth.

Where to get started with leading frameworks

Getting started with leading frameworks including PRINCE2 and SABSA is a great way to add strong qualifications to your CV, not to mention taking your skills to the next level.

While these courses may sound great, it can sometimes be difficult to take part – especially when they take place across several days and you're not sure which course to start with.

Below, we'll help you out by taking a look at where you can get started with several leading frameworks, and what the courses actually involve.


If the proper governance and management of IT systems is what you're after, then COBIT 5 is certainly the most appropriate option. This framework leverages proven practices and tools and drive IT innovation – a must for many in the IT sector.

COBIT 5 Foundation is the best course to gain an understanding of how this framework can actually be put to use, and it takes place over a period of three days.

Courses are being held in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Adelaide from March through to June at the beginning of this year – with more on the way.


IT service management is critical for modern businesses, as it means the technologies are actually being used to realise business change and transformation.

Like COBIT 5, the ITIL Foundation course is perfect to beginners as it takes them through the basics of the framework. What's more, they'll learn all of the key features that underpin ITIL and gain full preparation for the Foundation Certificate exam.

Ready to get started? Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth are hosting multiple course dates early this year, and Adelaide is running a course in March.

Architecting Secure Cloud

The cloud has become so much more than a buzzword over the past few years, and it's a now a tool with real potential to change how a business operates at a fundamental level. For example, employees can work together on the same document simultaneously even if they're in different parts of the country.

However, with cloud growth has also come a need for security, and that's where this framework comes into play. It's designed to provide course participants with the knowledge needed to architect secure cloud technologies.

This course is based on SABSA, a leading security architecture framework, and delivers an understanding of how to enable cloud computing at the necessary level of security.

To get started, we've got courses coming up in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra in March – perfect timing to ensure cloud deployments stay secure for the remainder of the year.


Projects come in all shapes and sizes in a business, from small conferences held within the office to a major event like an industry trade show. Transitions can even be classed as projects, such as when a department needs to move to a new computer system.

PRINCE2 one of the most powerful frameworks for project management, and it should certainly be the first point of call for companies and individuals. This is a framework that can be utilised time and again across various different business projects.

We have PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner courses coming up in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide from February through June this year, with more to come later.

Get in touch with ALC Training to find out more about our range of courses, and where you can get started with a course in Australia.

Both businesses and individuals cannot afford to overlook the value offered by leading frameworks, especially over the long term. These are methods that can be deployed across a range of different projects, long after the training has been completed.

What should you look for in a PRINCE2 provider?

If you've decided to undertake PRINCE2 training to achieve more effective project management, then chances are you need a skilled, experienced provider to actually deliver the course.

However, it's not as easy as simply signing up for a course – you need to select a provider that meets a number of criteria, including training location, reliability, ongoing support and course quality. Failing to do so (and going with a substandard provider) could mean you're left out of pocket and not actually up to speed with your desired framework.

There are several important areas to look out for when selecting a provider for PRINCE2 courses, but it's important to note that these are actually useful when choosing a provider for any sort of framework or methodology.

Let's take a look at what you need to look for so as to avoid issues, and come away with relevant training and ongoing support from the course provider.

What do I need in a PRINCE2 provider?

Here are the key considerations:

Ongoing support

It's all well and good to have a provider that supports you while you're actually undertaking the course, but you should also be looking ahead to once the course finishes. Post-course support can be extremely useful if you've got follow-up questions or concerns about the training you have received.

Framework value

When spending money on framework training, whether for your staff or yourself, make sure that it's worth the price. Quality often means a higher cost, but a good PRINCE2 provider should work hard to keep prices as competitive as possible whilst simultaneously delivering the necessary qualification.

Prioritising value when selecting a course will mean you're left with the best possible framework training.

Course reliability

There's no denying that PRINCE2 framework training will often come at a premium, especially if it's an in- demand course. As a result, you're not going to want to have the course dates pushed back or cancelled at the last minute. This is an issue that's compounded if you have to travel to a larger city to receive the training.

When selecting a provider, make sure you've looked into their past reliability to ensure that the pre-determined course dates will actually run on schedule.

Training location

This is a follow-on from the above point, but it deserves a separate mention. If you're looking for a PRINCE2 course provider, make sure you can access the courses easily for their duration.

Remember, in many cases a course will take several days to complete, so you'll have to plan for the entire trip. A good provider will offer courses in all major cities, with special options available to deliver them to other locations.

The value of PRINCE2

It's now time to start considering a PRINCE2 course, especially given the value the framework will provide over time. This is a course that can enable you to handle projects efficiently, regardless of how big they are.

If you've got to run a trade show for a week, for example, PRINCE2 can help to ensure that goes smoothly. On the other hand, if you need to host a small project within the business, with PRINCE2 it becomes substantially easier.

The key thing to understand with PRINCE2 is that it's flexible to both your requirements and the needs of the project at hand, making it useful on an ongoing basis.

If you're looking for a course in PRINCE2 or even something else like IT governance, then look no further than ALC Training. ALC is an experienced provider of certifications throughout Australia, and can even deliver courses to locations across the globe when needed.

Australia to see massive cloud communications growth

Cloud computing has become something of a buzzword for new technology adoption, but there are actually real benefits to taking the systems onboard.

There are a number of areas where the cloud can be put to use in a business, whether it's backup for any computer or device, faster and more effective collaboration, or perhaps running applications and storage remotely. Communications, however, is the key area – and it's one that Telsyte research predicts will see substantial growth in the near future.

Cloud communications are an important area of consideration, so this article will take a look at the technologies and the predicted growth through to 2020.

Modern communications

In a recent report, Telsyte took a look at the state of the Australian cloud sector, and found that a large number of businesses are now moving into the space. A significant area of focus was unified communications – moving from the traditional voice calls to integrated, online solutions.

Communications hosted online in the cloud differ quite substantially from traditional PABX systems (physical phones and phone lines), and usually only require a computer and internet connection to function.

Skype is one such example of a unified cloud communications system, as once the software is installed on a computer or mobile device users can start speaking via voice or video. Of course, business alternatives are often tailored more to enterprise environments.

Businesses are starting to recognise the benefits of these systems, with a number of companies saying that solutions are already in use. Telsyte noted that 88 per cent of organisations have staff that use a soft phone (Such as Skype) at least once a week.

What's more, an additional 40 per cent of organisations are starting to evaluate docking solutions. These allow mobile devices to take over the role of traditional phones whilst in the office.

Telsyte estimates that Australian businesses could move away from traditional communications in a big way in the next few years, with cloud communications logging over 30 per cent penetration by 2020. The total market value is expected to exceed $650 million.

Senior Telsyte Analyst Rodney Gedda explained in the release that organisations will now need to find the best ways to integrate disparate services to create a unified communication environment, one that includes both mobile and wearables.

"Instant messaging, presence and e-mail integration are the most deployed unified communications applications, but web collaboration and bring-your-own-device integration are becoming more important as organisations look to modernise their business and support next generation employees," Gedda stated.

Currently, less than five per cent of Australian businesses are classified as "mobile only", meaning there are no fixed phone lines in place. This number is likely to keep climbing, with both mobile and cloud communications continuing to grow.

Handling a cloud shift effectively

Of course, all businesses understand that taking on a new communications process isn't something that can be accomplished overnight.

It's important to make the transition as smooth as possible, so that any change doesn't impact the operations of the business.

Project management methods are certainly the answer, with PRINCE2 standing out as the best example. This is a framework that, when taught to employees, gives them the knowledge to handle projects effectively.

For example, if the business is implementing cloud communications, staff will understand how to do so whilst meeting deadlines and sticking to a budget. These are certainly important goals for any business, and are especially important when it comes to a significant transition like the cloud.

With cloud communications set to skyrocket over the next few years it's definitely time for companies to start planning a move.

3 tips for improving your career prospects in 2015

Whether you are happily employed within the project management or IT industries, or you're currently searching for your dream job, it never hurts to invest in your career prospects.

The employment market of 2015 is vastly different to the one of 20, 10 or even just five years ago, and the most successful jobhunters will be the ones that have stayed on top of key recruitment trends, in order to ensure they have a competitive edge over other candidates.

With that in mind, here are some tips for improving your employment prospects this year.

Invest in yourself

One recruitment trend that will never change is that those who commit to improving their own skills and abilities will rarely regret the investment. 

The key is to ensure the additional qualifications you invest in are relevant to your career ambitions. For example, if you work specifically within the IT service management sphere, it is prudent to consider ITIL or COBIT training that can educate you on some of the most popular frameworks in the industry. 

Alternatively, those who specialise in more general project management might consider training in PRINCE2 – a widely recognised methodology for effectively leading a team towards completion of a specific task. 

Whatever you decide, ensure you get full value out of your investment by opting for a training program that emphasises practical, real world experience.

That way, you won't simply complete your qualification with a certificate to put on your resume. You'll also have valuable skills that will not just help you secure your next role, but also ensure you move up and excel in it as well. 

Seek out a mentor 

Even the most experienced IT experts and project managers can sometimes benefit from seeking out a mentor, capable of giving strong, relevant advice throughout your career.

A career mentor can offer valuable advice on your skills and weaknesses, which can in turn allow you to focus on self-improvement. Look within your professional network and identify whether there is anyone available who you may be able to engage for expert input.  

On the other hand, those with a lot of practical experience in their industry may also benefit from seeking out an apprentice of their own.

There are likely many young professionals out there who would appreciate guidance from a senior hand, and time spent assisting them with their career may also help grow your own, by allowing you to make personal realisations about your methodologies as a leader and role model. 

Set your goals for the year 

Those who specialise in the world of IT project management will understand the importance of setting professional goals. Clear targets provide both yourself and your team with objectives and timelines to follow. These then provide information to both you and stakeholders as to the progression of the project.

However, when improving your career prospects for 2015, you can also gain substantially by focussing on a few key personal goals.

Take the time now to determine where you are in your career and where you would like to be in a year's time. For those currently seeking employment, your goal may be as simple as finding a job you are satisfied with. Others, who already have an established position, might set the goal of adding three new skills or achievements to their CV.

Make sure you set personal career goals that are just as S.M.A.R.T. as the goals you would set for your team in the workplace – that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Related.

When 2016 roles around, you'll be able to look back at the goals you set in 2015 and determine what progress you are making towards improving your professional standing. 

IoT market on a growth path for 2015

Like 2014, this year will see a number of IT trends continue to expand across the globe as greater numbers of businesses begin to realise the benefits of integrating them in operations.

Trends such as the cloud and big data have been mainstays in recent years, but they could soon be joined by growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) analytics space.

A new report from ABI Research has found that the analytics market could reach US$5.7 billion this year, with growth being primarily driven by startup companies.

IoT analytics on a growth fast track

The market for integrating, storing and analysing IoT data will climb significantly this year, continuing to grow beyond to 2020 where it's estimated that it could account for almost one third of global big data analytics revenues.

"About 60 per cent of this year's revenues [will] come from three key areas: energy management, security management, as well as monitoring and status applications. Within these segments, we can generally find analytic applications that reduce the cost base of asset-intensive operations," explained Aapo Markkanen, a principal ABI analyst.

"These early growth drivers also have in common the fact that the economics of IoT connectivity align easily enough with the requirements of analytic modelling."

Obviously, businesses will need to start paying attention to the IoT analytics space. But what exactly is the IoT?

This trend is basically used to describe the interconnection of various devices and sensors, usually with the goal of relaying information back to a central server. As there is no limit to how many sensors or devices gather information, unlimited data is available.

In turn, this creates significant opportunities for analytics.

The ABI report noted that making sense of IoT data was often quite difficult, given the need for expertise when it comes to analysis.

"These kinds of factors create a certain mismatch with many leading technologies that have been designed for more traditional, 'digital-first' analytic environments. This, in turn, is attracting a flurry of startup-level activity aimed at filling the gaps," the report stated.

These startups are driving IoT analytics innovation, with ABI noting the efforts of several startup companies.

ParStream, for example, is focusing on geo-distributed architecture, while Cyberlightning is developing unique 3D visualisation technology.

"[These startups] address some of the problems that usually come up in discussions with end-users."

The value of IoT analytics

With the IoT market poised for such substantial growth there are real opportunities for a number of businesses – not just startups. Organisations from a number of sectors can start to gather this high specialised information.

A factory, for example, could place hundreds of sensors in a piece of manufacturing equipment, gathering data on pressure, air flow and temperature in various locations. This information can then be analysed and used to better understand exactly how the engine works and where improvements could be made.

Similar uses could be seen in a data centre, with sensors used to track temperature in pieces of equipment. The real benefit with the IoT is versatility, as the the sensors can be put to use across a number of areas.

Effectively managing IoT projects

There's no denying the benefits of the IoT, and businesses will certainly start utilising the trend in greater numbers over the next few years.

PRINCE2, a project management framework, could be one the best ways to ensure the trend is managed correctly. This method has been used by companies and governments across the globe time and again – and for good reason.

It's able to ensure that projects are always managed effectively and without problems.

Top 5 courses for the first half of the year

Getting up to speed with a framework or methodology is a great way for people to upskill and for businesses to create more effective staff, but it can be daunting to choose from the substantial array of courses.

To help you get started, we've put together a list of the five courses that should be considered in the first half of 2015. From ITIL to PRINCE2, it's time to become more capable.

ITIL Foundation

IT is a powerful area of business, and one with the ability to transform how companies work. Of course, it's never as easy as simply taking on a new technology.

ITIL is the best possible course of action as it's a widely accepted approach to service management that helps both individuals and organisations use IT for business transformation.

If you want to get started with ITIL, Foundation is the best possible introductory certification. ALC Training is hosting the necessary courses throughout key Australian cities from January 2015.

COBIT5 Foundation

While businesses may know how to implement IT and utilise effectively to transform operations, there's also a need to actually manage and govern the systems on a day to day basis.

COBIT5 is a great way for enterprises to do so, providing globally accepted principles and practices – as well as analytical tools – to increase trust in information systems. For companies holding back from IT it's an excellent framework to understand.

COBIT5 Foundation courses are being held in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Adelaide, providing a great starting point for companies and individuals wanting to start using the framework.

TOGAF 9 Level one and two certificate course

Improving business efficiency may sound a like a difficult task, especially in larger companies with hundreds of employees. However, it's actually far easier when handled through a methodology.

TOGAF9 offers the necessary knowledge for individuals and businesses, and it's used by organisations across the globe for exactly this purpose.

The Level one and two certificate course is an excellent starting point, taking participants through the basics of TOGAF9 and setting them up for future courses.

This course is being held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth through until June.


Security has been quite a hot topic in recent years, especially as IT has continued to grow within the workplace. Now more than ever IT security needs to be a top priority, as the sheer amount of sensitive data at risk could mean severe breaches.

SABSA is an excellent solution to security concerns, as it's a proven way for individuals and businesses to implement strong security architectures. What's more, it can continually be used to effectively ensure business security.

Courses are being held in Sydney and Melbourne for the Foundation course – an excellent launching point for this capable framework.

PRINCE2 Foundation

Project management is something every business and individual is going to need at some point, whether it's for running a trade show, conference or internal project within the company. When it comes time to host such an endeavour having a strong framework is invaluable.

PRINCE2 Foundation is the best possible option for those needing a capable project management framework, as the course takes participants through the advanced PRINCE2 framework, which is designed specifically to ensure projects are handled correctly.

PRINCE2 courses are available in all major Australian cities throughout the first half of 2015.

If you'd like to sign up for one of these courses in cities across Australia, get in touch with the team at ALC Training today.

We'll answer any questions about our range of courses and the best way to move through each level.

Have you considered certifications for 2015?

With the new year just around the corner, there's no better time to assess how up-to-date you (or your business) is with the most comprehensive IT frameworks.

These methods have been utilised time and again by organisations across the globe to better utilise IT, effect stronger control over projects and ensure better security architectures are in place. There are certainly no better tools to prepare for a new year.

So, for your new years resolution, why not take on a powerful new framework?


ITIL is best known as the widely accepted IT service management approach used by companies across the globe. It's able to help both individuals and organisations utilise IT to manage transformation and growth – key with the ongoing developments in the sector.

But what are the best courses?

ITIL Foundation: Beginners will want to start off with ITIL Foundation, the ideal starting point for anyone (whether an individual or company) wanting to get started using the tool.

ITIL Capability Certificate Courses: Following on from the beginners course are the capability certificates. These modules are the fastest way to gain expert accreditation and each focuses on a different area to provide specialised, process-level knowledge.


For project management there's no better option than PRINCE2, a framework utilised by the UK government and other organisations around the world to ensure projects always go to plan. One of the best things about PRINCE is its versatility, as it can be deployed on a basic IT endeavour or a massive conference.

Getting started with PRINCE2 is easy.

PRINCE2 Foundation: Similar to the ITIL Foundation course, the PRINCE2 equivalent has been created for those who need to gain a basic understanding of what the framework actually is.

It's really useful for anyone who wants a practical understanding, but not fully-fledged professional level knowledge.

Implementing PRINCE2: One of the later courses individuals might opt for is Implementing PRINCE2, a course that's necessary if users want to actually embed PRINCE2 as the project management tool within a company.


For IT governance, COBIT 5 is an excellent option. Given that IT governance has a great deal of strategic importance within organisations, it's necessary to choose a certification that's reliable and delivers the required knowledge.

COBIT 5 Foundation: Of course, there is the COBIT 5 Foundation course which is ideal for anyone new to the methodology and IT governance in general.

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of the COBIT 5 components and also uses an example-driven approach.


The last course on the list deals with security architectures and is certainly a powerful option in a world of growing cyber threats.

This framework is designed to empower a company to carry out tasks whilst also remaining secure.

SABSA Roadmap: The course structure for SABSA starts off with Foundation, which covers the basic level knowledge. It then progresses to Advanced Modules, which count towards higher certification. Upon completion of these two courses, participants move to the Topical Master classes which cover specialty areas.

With security essential in the modern business environment, there's no looking past the benefits of SABSA.

The new year is fast approaching and it's time to get enrolled in a comprehensive certification. Doing so will mean businesses are prepared to handle any changes or new developments over the course of 2015.

Speak to ALC Training today if you'd like to find out more about the comprehensive range of courses available. We host certifications in all major Australian cities and in key locations throughout the Asia Pacific.