Green IT: BCS Foundation Certificate Course: Who Should Attend

The certificate is designed for all IT professionals and anyone who requires a fundamental understanding of the subject area, including managers for Corporate Social Responsibility, Procurement and Infrastructure, and those who need to understand what green IT can do for them and their organisation – irrespective of industry sector.

Green IT: BCS Foundation Certificate Course: Course Contents

1. What is Green IT? An Overview
2. Internal assessment of your organisation: where are we now?
3. Deployment of ICT for sustainability across your organisation’s activities

Green IT: BCS Foundation Certificate Course: Dates and Fees

Contact ALC for a quote today!

Green IT: BCS Foundation Certificate Course: Exams and Stuff


There are no specific requirements for entry to the BCS Green IT examination however candidates should possess basic IT skills and an appropriate level of knowledge and experience to fulfil the objectives shown above. The purpose of the Foundation Certificate in ‘Green IT’ is to certify that the candidate has gained knowledge of terminology, an understanding of key concepts and has comprehended the best practice principles of ‘Green IT’.


This syllabus has an accompanying examination at which the candidate must achieve a pass score to gain the BCS Certificate in Green IT. The format of the examination is a one hour multiple choice exam consisting of forty questions. The examination is closed book. A correct answer to 26/40 is required to pass the examination. Candidates who are awarded a pass for the examination are will receive the BCS Foundation Certificate in Green IT.

Green IT: BCS Foundation Certificate Course: Sidebar Content

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Course Overview

Cloud Computing is one of the most exciting spaces in the technology sector globally. The cloud computing paradigm brings about disruptive changes to traditional business models, where applications are delivered and consumed within the enterprise environment. Now, as we progress to a model where these applications are delivered and consumed via the global network, organisations are likely to undergo profound changes in the way they conduct their businesses.

The adoption of cloud computing reduces the need for in-house IT hardware and software and allows enterprises to leverage on IT services at a lower cost. Cloud Computing is best known for the delivery of computing as a service, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility over a network, typically over the Internet

The workforce of the future needs to equip itself with a new breadth of skills. This Foundation course on Enterprise Cloud Computing forms a cornerstone in the skill set for the future.

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Learning Outcomes

The objective of this 2-day course is to provide each participant with knowledge in creating high value services in cloud computing by understanding the components that make up the different types of the cloud. The course provides a firm grounding in Cloud computing, understanding of what it is, what it is made up of and how it relates to their own business environment.

At the conclusion of this course, you will understand:

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Who Should Attend

CIOs, IT Managers,  IT Service Managers,  Process stakeholders,  IT Engineers, IT  Professionals and  anyone  wishing to  gain foundational knowledge of cloud computing.

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Course Contents

Day 1

1. Cloud Computing Introduction and Perspectives
2. Data Centre Management
3. Virtualisation
4. Cloud Computing and Related Environments
5. Cloud Computing Security and Risk Management
6. In-Course Exercises


7. Green Computing
8. Holistic and Balanced Approach to Cloud Computing
9. The Future of Cloud Services and Value Creation
10. Cloud Lab
11. Summary and Completion

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Dates and Fees

Contact ALC for a quote today!

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Exams and Stuff


There are no formal pre-requisites but some basic experience and knowledge of IT computing environments would be helpful.

Enterprise Cloud Computing: Sidebar Content