Communications Excellence: Course Contents

1. Introduction

Become aware of your own successful communication skills. Understand what skills you want and need to develop for more confident, effective communication

2. Questioning Techniques

Best practice questioning techniques to allow you to understand the real situation and avoid assumptions, miscommunication, conflict, dislike and resistance

3. Listening Techniques

Become more confident, proactive and attentive in any given situation to achieve positive and valuable communication outcomes

4. Interview Techniques

Application of questioning and listening techniques in any given situation for maximum value and optimal relationship development

5. Facilitation Techniques

Learn and apply the techniques applied by experts for constructive facilitation

6. Meeting/Teleconference Techniques

Understand the key techniques and adopt the skills to perform better in all meetings – internal and external

7. Written Communication Techniques

Know why, how, when and where to apply different writing techniques for improved recipient response

8. Public Relations

Be empowered and confident to communicate to create positive perceptions and improve credibility

9. Presentation Techniques

Apply best practice techniques to efficiently prepare and deliver an effective confident, presentation

10. Case Study and Group Activity

Opportunity to rehearse these techniques with peers applied to a business situation