Course Contents
1. Introduction
- Purpose of business process modelling
- Context: organisations, systems, processes, stakeholders
- Strategic context and business goals
- Approaches to business process modelling
- Definition of a business process
2. Identifying Business Processes
- Types of processes and functional areas
- Process view versus functional view
- Value chain analysis and business performance
- Hierarchy of business processes and tasks
3. Modelling Business Processes
- Process modelling techniques (including swimlanes) “As Is” modelling
- Events and outcomes
- Actors involved with business processes
- Business rules
4. Evaluating and Improving Business Processes
- Improving Business Processes
- Analysing activities, work flow, tasks
- Problem Analysis; GAP Analysis; Root Cause Analysis
- Business process improvement
- “To Be” process model
5. Monitoring
- Identifying current and new standards and measures
- Measuring effectiveness of change: goals, measures and issues
- Challenging the business rules
- Staff performance and human aspects
6. Transition
- Using the business process model to identify IT requirements
- Skills profiling and staff development
- Procedure design
7. Implementation Issues
- Implementing the new processes
- Making and managing the change