Project Management

MoP® Management of Portfolios – Foundation/​Practitioner

Anyone involved in planning, delivering and contributing to, programmes and projects and organisational strategy from inception to delivery will benefit from this course.

  • Duration 4 Days
  • Fee - Virtual Instructor-Led $2,700 + GST
  • Exam Online Exam Vouchers
  • Fee - Face-to-face Training $3,065 + GST
  • Team Training Get a quote
  • Download Course brochure

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Duration 3 days Foundation / 1 days Practitioner

Many  organisations   focus  on   the   performance   of  individual projects, or at best on the performance  of individual programmes and projects, rather than on the performance  of the sum-total of all their change initiatives ie, the portfolio. This makes it difficult to properly evaluate the cumulative effect that change initiatives will have on the organisation and to coordinate the implementation of change so as to safeguard  the integrity of business operations.

To address  this, the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) has recently published the MoP Guide (Management  of Portfolios) to accompany the already existing guidance for Programme Management (MSP®) and Project Management (PRINCE2®).

Portfolio Management is concerned  with:

  • ensuring that the programmes and projects undertaken are the right ones in the context of the organisation’s strategic objectives
  • successful delivery at a collective level
  • that benefits realisation is maximised
  • that lessons learned are identified and applied in the future.

Our Trainers Make the Difference

  • Kim Riordan

    Kim has over 30 years experience including over 15 years at senior/executive management level in a variety of medium to large organisations, managing geographically dispersed teams of 100+ staff.

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  • Sue Taylor

    Sue Taylor is an experienced portfolio, program, project and change management consultant, trainer and practitioner with experience across private and public sectors, including state and federal government agencies and financial organisations.

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Learning Outcomes

The MoP® Foundation  Certificate Course

The objective of the Foundation course is to enable delegates to understand the key principles and practices in successful Portfolio Management as described in the official OGC MoP Guide.

The course  comprises a 3-day balanced blend of presentations, individual activities and discussion sessions. Delegates should also set aside some time for self-study and exercises during the evenings.

Participants are provided with an annotated hard copy of the slides together with any exercises, examples and templates  discussed or developed during the workshop, as well as a copy of the official MoP™ Guide and a mock foundation exam paper.

The MoP® Practitioner Certificate Course

The objective of the practitioner course is to develop an in-depth understanding of MoP and how it can be applied in practice. The course builds on the knowledge gained during the Foundation program and improve the delegate’s ability to analyse portfolio data, documents and roles in different business situations.  By the end of the course delegates will have a sufficient understanding on how to tailor and apply MoP.

Who Should Attend

Anyone  involved  in  planning,  delivering  and   contributing   to, programmes   and   projects  and   organisational  strategy   from inception to delivery. This includes:

  • Members of Management Boards and Directors of Change
  • Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
  • Portfolio,  Programme,  Project,  Business  Change  and  Benefits Managers
  • Business Relationship Managers, Customer Relationship Managers, Service Delivery Managers
  • Enterprise Programme Office or Project Support Office managers and officers
  • Business Case writers and Project appraisers
  • Those in other functions/departments with a role in delivering strategic objectives

Course Contents

MoP® Foundation  – Course Contents

1. Running the Business vs Changing the Business

  • Gaining an understanding  of the relationships between  day-to-day business operations,  performance management and managing a portfolio of change, and of how the quality of change impacts the quality of business outcomes and the benefits of change.

2. MoP Structure, Principles, Practices and Benefits

  • A first look at the structure, principles,  practices of Portfolio Management,  the business problems it is designed to address and the benefits that can be derived from its implementation.

3.   Strategic and Organisational Context

  • The business activities that Portfolio Management needs to be integrated with, and how to ensure that the change portfolio is aligned with the organisation’s strategy and strategic plans.

4.   Portfolio Definition Cycle

  • The activities required to understand, prioritise, balance and plan a change portfolio that is aligned with the organisation’s strategic plans

5.   Portfolio Delivery Cycle

  • The activities required to ensure that the change portfolio is delivered in accordance with expectations, that the benefits are realized and that Business- as-Usual is safeguarded.

6.   Roles & Responsibilities 

  • The different roles involved in governing and managing the portfolio, with their responsibilities.

7.   Implementing  and Sustaining

  • Portfolio Management Different approaches available to implement MoP within an organisation, starting from an assessment of the
    pre-existing situation.

8.   The Portfolio Management Framework

  • The central repository containing a description of the agreed  portfolio management practices adopted  by the organisation and its governance arrangements.

9.   Energised Change Culture

  • An investigation of what it takes for an organisation to be willing and capable of undergoing  change.

MoP® Practitioner – Course Contents

The course is scenario based,  focusing on the application of portfolio management in accordance to  the  MoP best practice guidance.  Review and revision sessions are included throughout the training.

A Practitioner sample exam paper is also used during the training to identify and address knowledge gaps.

  • Excellent experience in every way. Material, setup and structure all worked very well. Our trainer Sue was fantastic and very patient, I learned a lot through her tireless descriptions. Would definitely recommend this course to others.

    Live Virtual Training | 2022


MSP Foundation & Practitioner

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Fees per person

MoP® Management of PortfoliosCombined course with Exam vouchers (4 days)

  • Live Virtual Training = $2,700 + gst
  • Face-to-Face Training = $3,065 + gst


All participants will receive:

  • Practice Examinations
  • MoP Foundation Certificate Exam Voucher
  • MoP Practitioner Certificate Exam  Voucher
  • Unparalleled Post Course Support

Virtual Courses:

  • E-COPY: Official MoP® Management of PortfoliosTextbook
  • E-COPY: Comprehensive Course Workbook
    E-materials are provided by default with the option to purchase hardcopy materials for an additional cost.

Face-to-Face courses:

  • HARD COPY + E-COPY: Official MoP® Management of Portfolios
  • HARD COPY + E-COPY: Comprehensive Course Workbook, quality colour printed

Exams and Other Information

Participants will be provided with an online exam voucher to sit the exams at a time and date of their choosing within 12 months of the course. The web-proctored exams are available 24/7 and run by the examination institute PeopleCert. 

*As of 01 February, 2022 paper-based exams will no longer be offered by PeopleCert the examination institute for MoP®. All exams will be conducted online. During the course you will receive an exam voucher and instructions how to book the exam for a date and time of your choice after the course. The exams are web-proctored by PeopleCert and are available 24/7.

The Foundation Certificate Exam Format is:

  • Multiple choice
  • 50 questions per paper
  • 25 marks required to pass (out of 50 available) – 50%
  • 40 minutes duration
  • Closed book.

The Practitioner Certificate Exam Format is:

  • Objective testing
  • 4 questions per paper with 20 marks available per question – all question items will be worth 1 mark, making the total number of marks available per paper 80
  • 40 marks required to pass (out of 80 available) – 50%
  • 3 hours duration
  • Open book exam (MoP guide only).


The Foundation Certificate is a mandatory pre-requisite to undertake the Practitioners exam.