DOL: Course Contents

1.   Course Introduction

Course Goals
Course Agenda

2.   DevOps and Time

What Is DevOps?
Why Do DevOps
Companies Doing DevOps
The Magic Equation

3.   Key Differences Between DevOps IT and Traditional IT

What Sets DevOps IT apart from Traditional IT
How DevOps IT is Organised Differently
How to Perform to a Different Standard
How to Use Different Measurements

4.   Becoming a DevOps organisation

Transformational Leadership
Redesigning An Organisation for DevOps
Design Principles

5.   Value Stream Mapping

What is Value Stream Mapping?
Why Do We Need to Use this Framework?
Types of Maps
How to Create a Value Stream Map?
Types of Data to Collect
How to Handle Exceptions
Value Stream Mapping Exercise

6.   Squad Organisational Model

Conway’s Law
The Problem with Silos
Spotify’s Squad Organisation Model (Structure, Roles)
How to Reorganise in Order to Move to this Model

7.   Managing Cultural Change

What is Culture and How Does it Impact Performance?
Types of IT Culture
Cultural Traits of a DevOps Organisation
How to Manage Change

8.   Culture and its Impact on Performance

Types of IT Culture
What is a DevOps Culture
How To Manage Change
The Three Phases Of Change
Types of Changes That Need to be Implemented

9.   Popular DevOps Tools and Practices

DevOps Tools Periodic Table
Top DevOps Tool Categories
Common and Popular Practices
Building a Business Case

10.   Bringing it all Together
11.    Additional Sources of Information
12.   Exam Preparations

Exam Requirements, Question Weighting, and Terminology List
Sample Exam Review