Today’s competitive business world requires that, as you progress in your project management career, you face more and more challenges. Some of these may be complex and difficult – they may involve the coordination of many people and the completion of many tasks in a precise sequence. The project not only has to be on time, but also within manpower and budget constraints.
Effective Project Management therefore becomes an essential skill for leaders.
This 2-day programme will teach some of the specific competencies you will need to run projects successfully, and provide you with the processes and tools necessary to handle complexity and risks. From starting a project to developing its plan, tracking and controlling the project, and successful conclusion, all major aspects of professional project management are taught so that you can be assured of optimum results every time.
This workshop is hands-on, with frequent team activities. It will appeal to those who learn well visually, interactively and kinaesthetically.
There is a highly recommended, optional half-day session in which you will participate in a simulation run to plan, manage and monitor your project. This is the best way of putting theory into practice without actual dire consequences and with loads of learning, excitement and fun!
Delivery Method
This workshop combines mini-lectures with team activities where participants have ample opportunities to discuss, plan and produce project documentation.
Each group plays the role of a project team in a case scenario. Through these activities, participants develop a series of planning and control documents. Kinaesthetic intelligence is applied to enhance learning experiences and retention of skills.