Gartner outlines the steps for a social initiatives business case

Social initiatives need to become a priority for many organisations, especially given the increase in business social media use. Building a compelling business case for social initiatives could be difficult, however, according to a new report from research organisation Gartner.

The organisation has outlined necessary steps for IT social initiatives – specifically, how to gain approval for such endeavours within an enterprise.

“As collaboration and social software initiatives are becoming more costly, complex and risky, IT leaders can’t treat them as basic infrastructure rollouts, or simply assume they will benefit the business,” explained Nikos Drakos, a research vice president at Gartner

“They must make a clear business case, setting out the expected costs and business benefits in an appropriate level of detail.”

An outline of the stages

Social initiatives need to be implemented within business operations, but what’s the best approach for a company? Often, training or certification in a strong IT framework can be useful. When the organisation is able to utilise the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), for example, it’s easy to manage the implementation of a new technology.

ALC Training offers a range of ITIL training courses able to grow an extensive understanding for personnel. When it comes time to take on a new social initiative, this framework will likely prove invaluable.