IT Frameworks and Standards Overview: Course Overview

What should you be doing with all the IT frameworks and standards such as COBIT®, ISO 38500, ITIL®, ISO 20000, PRINCE2®, MSP®, ISO 10006, ISO 21500  or ISO 27000 that everyone tells us we should be using?

IT Frameworks and Standards

In just one day gain an understanding of the relationship between all of these processes.

We constantly encounter this concern in organisations everywhere, in both government and business:

“Effective management of IT is strategic in an
age where business delivery is totally dependent on IT.”

Frameworks and standards have evolved to help ensure that organisations get the best return from their investment in IT.  They address very real issues and offer many real and tangible benefits. But there is no single silver bullet. The trick is to know which ones to use to give best value to your organisation.

This overview, held from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, has come about in response to repeated requests. It is designed to brush away the confusion and to give management a clear and sufficient understanding of the key frameworks and provide a much better basis for making decisions.