- How to make more effective teams and more profitable businesses
- Learn skills from case studies and critical incidents of diverse teams struggling to perform
- Get increased effort and loyalty from more engaged staff and teams
- Understand the different phases of team development
- Learn the skills to build effective relationships at each phase of the team process
- Learn to manage diversity, relationship and cultural dynamics at each phase of the team building process
- Learn to manage differences (race, gender, cross-functional, thinking style, relationship style, personality, culture, etc.)
- Acquire the tools to work together in synergy, where the total is more than the sum of the parts
- As leaders, learn the facilitation skills to ensure each member of the team contributes
- As team members, learn to play your role to the fullest and accept mutual responsibility for achieving team goals
- Participate in a complete well rounded learning experience
- Walk away with a new mindset and the behaviours and skill to build high performance teams in any environment