MoP Management of Portfolios: Course Contents

MoP® Foundation  – Course Contents

1.   Running the Business vs Changing the Business
Gaining an understanding  of the relationships between  day-to-day business operations,  performance management and managing a portfolio of change, and of how the quality of change impacts the quality of business outcomes and the benefits of change.

2.   MoP Structure, Principles, Practices and Benefits
A first look at the structure, principles,  practices of Portfolio Management,  the business problems it is designed to address and the benefits that can be derived from its implementation.

3.   Strategic and Organisational Context
The business activities that Portfolio Management needs to be integrated with, and how to ensure that the change portfolio is aligned with the organisation’s strategy and strategic plans.

4.   Portfolio Definition Cycle
The activities required to understand, prioritise, balance and plan a change portfolio that is aligned with the organisation’s strategic plans

5.   Por tfolio Delivery Cycle
The activities required to ensure that the change portfolio is delivered in accordance with expectations, that the benefits are realized and that Business- as-Usual is safeguarded.

6.   Roles & Responsibilities  The different roles involved in governing and managing the portfolio, with their responsibilities.

7.   Implementing  and Sustaining Por tfolio Management Different approaches  available to
implement MoP within an organisation, starting from an assessment  of the
pre-existing situation.

8.   The Por tfolio Management Framework
The central repository containing a description of the agreed  portfolio management practices adopted  by the organisation and its governance arrangements.

9.   Energised Change Culture
An investigation of what it takes for an organisation to be willing and capable of undergoing  change.


MoP® Practitioner – Course Contents

The course is scenario based,  focusing on the application of portfolio management in accordance to  the  MoP best practice guidance.  Review and revision sessions are included throughout the training.

A Practitioner sample exam paper is also used during the training to identify and address knowledge gaps.