The key benefits of the ITIL framework

Professionals can no longer ignore the significant potential of IT, with the cloud, mobile and other powerful communication and collaboration tools readily available to change businesses.

Of course, new technologies cannot be taken onboard without the proper processes, as this raises the risk of failed implementations – often costly for the organisation involved.

So what can both businesses and individuals do to stop this from happening?

The answer lies with ITIL, a well-established framework designed to ensure proper IT service management. Once this method is in place, there's no doubt that IT endeavours will proceed far more smoothly.

But first, it's important to understand why exactly you should consider ITIL, the key benefits and where you can gain certification.


ITIL is a framework based on global best practice in IT service management, enabling users to take advantage of cutting edge IT capabilities. In turn, this allows the business to maximise value, bring down operating costs and improve customer experiences.

What's more, like other frameworks, ITIL isn't a one-off solution. This method provides skills that you can always utilise and even build upon with further education.

It should come as no surprise that this framework is used by some of the largest organisations across the globe, including those in the IT sector, entertainment and even space exploration.

The key benefits

With this in mind, what exactly are the key benefits of this powerful framework? Below, we'll take a look at four of the main reasons to go with ITIL.

Facilitate business change

It's no secret that companies are constantly evolving, and IT is playing a substantial role in this development. ITIL is able to help businesses enable change by giving individuals the necessary skills and tools to effectively guide the organisation.

Continually improve

With businesses constantly evolving, it's important that a method is able to keep up. ITIL makes it easy for businesses to continuously drive improvement, thanks to a built-in continual improvement system at every stage of the framework.

Manage business risk

Risks to the business can come from a number of locations, and that's why a capable framework is so necessary. ITIL can play a critical role in risk management, and there are even courses available to further your education in these areas if required.

Driving greater customer experiences

The customer is one of the most important resources for any businesses, and depends heavily on the relationship between the buyer and seller. With ITIL, there's little risk of this relationship being harmed through IT, as the experience will always be up to par.

There's one outstanding issue, however, the best places to gain certification for the framework and what courses to get started with.

Where can I get certified?

It's quite easy to get started with ITIL, and the first course will only take three days. This makes it easy for both businesses and individuals to sign up and become certified. The Foundation course gives participants the necessary understanding of the framework to move on to more advanced courses that deal with specialised areas.

The range of follow-on courses means you'll always have a development pathway ahead of you to further your ITIL understanding.

ITIL Lifecycle: Service Design, for example, gives you the knowledge necessary to manage and control every possible service design activity.

Managing Across the Lifecycle, on the other hand, focuses on the ancillary knowledge that's needed to implement and manage IT service management skills.

Planning and Implementing ITIL serves as an excellent course to provide a strong bridge between the ITIL theory and real world applications.

To get started with ITIL courses, speak to an experienced provider such as ALC Training today.