TOGAF® 9 Level 1 & 2 Certificate Course: Course Overview

Welcome to Australia’s #1 TOGAF training program!

* Based on The TOGAF® Standard, Version 9.2.

TOGAF 9 Course – Level 1 & Level 2 (Combined)

TOGAF® 9 is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organisations to improve business efficiency. Enterprise architecture professionals fluent in TOGAF enjoy greater industry credibility, job effectiveness, and career opportunities.

Get certified in TOGAF 9 with this powerful 4-day training program. The course focuses on the practical application of TOGAF in realistic enterprise architecture scenarios and provides thorough coverage of the knowledge needed for Level 1 / Level 2 certification.

The course is structured into two 2-day modules Foundation (Level 1) and Certified (Level 2). Modules can be taken separately although most prefer to take the combined course.

[su_testimonial_box position=”Master of Information Management | Live Virtual Training, February 2021″]Another milestone… Now I am TOGAF-9 Certified..!  Thank you Axel! You are an incredible trainer! Without your coaching and training, I could not have achieved this.  Thank you ALC for providing the best course materials and having the best trainer.[/su_testimonial_box] 

TOGAF 9 Level 1 (Foundation) (2 days)

This module covers the Foundation Level 1 curriculum including terminology, structure, basic concepts of TOGAF 9, and the core principles of Enterprise Architecture. As well as the theory, the course includes many examples of architecture deliverables and artifacts. The course prepares participants to undertake the TOGAF Level 1 (Foundation) exam.

TOGAF 9 Level 2 (Certified) (2 days)

This second module focuses on the practical application of the TOGAF® 9 framework. It builds on the foundational knowledge of Level 1 using practical scenarios to reinforce concepts.  The focus is on application and analysis in addition to knowledge and comprehension.

[su_testimonial_box position=”Systems Domain Architect, SingTel Optus Pty Ltd, Sydney”]The course met the expectations brilliantly. Axel is extremely passionate about the subject and the sessions prove that. The course material and the teaching have provided me with substantial confidence and knowledge to attempt the exam. Thank you ALC and Axel.[/su_testimonial_box] 

What you get at the ALC TOGAF course

Tier 1 trainers. Training is a serious investment, it is not just the money but also your valuable time.  If you are going to allocate 4 days to learning, it is the person out the front who will make all the difference.  We have  built our reputation, since 1994, on the fact that we only work with Tier 1 trainers.

Excellent course materials. Not only do you get our comprehensive, fully-accredited and colour-printed course workbook, you also get the official TOGAF 9 Certification Self Study Pack 4th Edition, an invaluable tool for exam prep, plus the Personal PDF Edition of TOGAF version 9.2.

Exam vouchers plus trial exams. During the course we provide you with exercises, test questions and mock exams to give you the best possible exam preparation.  At the end of the course you receive a combined Level 1 & Level 2 exam voucher that enables you to take the TOGAF certification exams within 12 months.

Value.  Quality usually comes at a premium but we work hard at all levels to ensure competitive pricing, whether you’re a small, medium or large organisation or a private individual. Contact the ALC team if you think you can get a better comparable offer on TOGAF training anywhere else.

Genuine post-course support. There are always questions after the course. We are local and we offer genuine support. Get your questions answered promptly and in your time zone. 

Fully Accredited. ALC Group TOGAF® 9 Course – Level 1 & Level 2 course is fully accredited by The Open Group 

[su_testimonial_box position=”Phani, Global IT Services Provider, Melbourne (all testimonials on file)”]Hello Axel, I have completed my certification. Scored 85% and 80% respectively in Foundation and Certified. You are of great help. More importantly thanks for giving the tips.[/su_testimonial_box]
Live Virtual Traning

Due to COVID-19 government restrictions, all face-to-face classroom training has been suspended until further notice.  We are watching the situation closely and will resume with normal training at the earliest opportunity.

However, the good news is that TOGAF is now available as Live Virtual Training (LVT). You get the same world-class trainer and the same excellent training that you would normally get from ALC. It is fully live and interactive. The only difference is that the TOGAF 9 Level 1 & Level 2 course is conducted online.

Live Virtual Training has been around for quite a while and is a well-proven delivery method. Get TOGAF® Training Live, Instructor Led, virtually run online from your home, office or wherever you have a computer and a good internet connection!